
Old Cartoon Network will always be the best 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
And they were evil. Just goes to show you I guess...
Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) - PigeonSubstance 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Noisy, low frequency, early morning. Lovely bird tho.
If you give a bear a hug 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
So cute
Am I dreaming right now? 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Did he throw them a door to lie on?
Dad for good 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
There is no difference.
A university cares more about their reputation than you 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
And idolizing victimhood is why people aren’t willing to look at a situation honestly. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t make it wrong. It’s based on each individual situation.
Maybe she's on her period 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
That’s crazy you’re getting down voted just for stating facts.
Stan Lee 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Big shame he died I really liked him ;(
What's your opinion on the matter? 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Caring about children being protected from irresponsible and neglectful parenting isn’t transphobic. It’s human.
"The Earth is not a planet" 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Yeah it's an Earth.
Are you afraid of the dark? 24 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I sleep with my feet against the wall, and my head to the rest of the room :P
Just donated bone marrow to a total stranger :) 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Everyone liked that
Faith in humanity boosted :) 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It doesn’t say why the school got rid of the teachers. Does anyone have the story?
And that's the molten salt reactors we are talking about. Not the 1 Gen old 22 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I’m pretty sure what they’re talking about is nuclear fusion, not nuclear fission, which is what we expect when we think of nuclear energy
In 1994, an athletic man we'll call John was involved in a car crash. He was 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
The strong strong fruit?
Vibe check 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It was alive right? They're not just watching a dead salamander?
That smile though 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
You are what you eat
Science needs more funding tbh 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Rice puffs
Russian gamer 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Russian Spy squat!!
Gamer time 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Could also just use a ladder.
Drawing my bf to say sorry because I f*cked up// finally done... 12 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Saw the last pic of it. It looks great!!!
Mind = mega 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
That... is... great!
Or is it 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Plus you can see the wake behind the boat.
The guy taking a photo is an idiot, but the guy in the "police car" is a true 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
How did that story get downvoted!?!
Yeah I know they don't go to Heaven 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
We don’t believe in a heaven.
2020 has a good ring to it 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
What do you mean ‘probably’?
What do you know that I don’t ????
Time to take out my gun 35 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This is not a feminazi. It is worse. She is just a straight up psycho path.
Time to take out my gun 35 comments
guest · 4 years ago
“Not really losing anything”...? Are you F*cking serious!?! It’s just genital mutilation. But nah, it’s fine cause the defenseless baby doesn’t know any different.
Time to take out my gun 35 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Feminism is sexism.
And if you do it properly, you'll unlock your 3rd eye 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I don’t think “all you do” covers it. That sounds like a lot of work.
This is true 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I also don’t drink for religious or cultural reasons. I drink to have a good time!
When basic bitᴄhes try to be more than basic 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Have a happy friendship 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
What I am doing with my life 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
To be honest, that sounds like one hell of a weekend...
Mr. Geralt 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This was funnier than it should have been. I can’t breath. Hahahahahahahaha
Who remember this gem ? It's like everyone has forgotten about it 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
What movie is it?
Take your cotton supplaments 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This is a bruh moment right here
Let it be known! 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This practice will never work for manufacturing and the world of physical products and services. creating further divides between the skilled and non skilled workers.
The turtle is unfortunately dead... But what a way to go! 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Is the turtle okay?!
Chinese food 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It’s probably not less than 3 dollars. They just used less than one gallon because the round trip was less than the miles/gal.
Sure thing buddy 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Breaking bad
Liar 12 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It’s glue. She used commercial techniques for the post and then threw it in the garbage.
Can't help it 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Welcome to my bipolar (II) life. It's all in waves. Good waves, bad waves, all kid of waves.
Baby chief keef 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I don’t get it...
Would you dare it...? 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Hell yea I would
Wheeeeeeeze 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Yo ngl gaturro is a great comic
Parenting Done Right... 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
There is nothing to know about gender identity because it is arbitrary and irrelevant. If a person would like to be called something other than what they appear to be then fine. That is an agreement you can figure out with that individual.
Parenting Done Right... 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
No. You don’t usually tell someone you are a man... because it’s obvious. Which is the whole point of the comment. Stating your gender or sex if they are somehow different is not something that people do (have done in the past typically)
Curvy not Curry 31 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Feminism is not equality of the sexes. It is promotion of women’s rights (and privileges)