Insecurity 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I would be okay with looking like the "Insecure" girl.
Give them a break. It's not exactly rainbows and unicorns for them 61 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not so much the bleeding that makes me irrational. Yeah that shit sucks but my hormones go apeshit and I have no explanation for why I just want to murder everyone in site with a machine gun while crying and wolfing down a whole tube of cookie dough.
Do other companies do this for birthdays? 2 comments
This is 100% true 61 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm anAmerican and I tried Tim Tams for the first time about a month ago and I never knew what true love was until then.
Just the usual stuff 7 comments
· 10 years ago
This thought plagues me at random points during the day. It has caused some serious trauma
Taylor without make up 12 comments
Grab that....fried chicken 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Or...or...or...just fucking break up and go be with people that make you happy. Jesus Christ
Old commercial some of you might not get 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Got yelled at for making a collect call to my dad one time from the movie theaters because I thought he forgot to pick me up. Scarred me for life.
I've lost about 15 pounds 4 comments
Adorable singing puppy loved Frozen! 13 comments
Trying to get ready every morning 5 comments
In history class 12 comments
Movies Coming Soon 2014-2017 55 comments
I discovered fears I never knew existed 31 comments
· 10 years ago
My mom hated me watching this show but I would always sneak in the living room and watch the late night episodes
Because both encourage unhealthy behaviour 53 comments
· 10 years ago
Why do we keep posting these posts regarding weight (positive or negative)? Someone always gets offended even though maybe they should probably loose some weight and someone else feels entitled to point out the health risks as if everyone doesn't know. Who the fuck cares? I came on here for funsubstance not fat shaming or making martyrs of the over weight. Let's get back to the Funsubstance please.
From someone who actually gets migraines 28 comments
· 10 years ago
When I get migraines, the only time I can stop vomiting is when I am sleeping
He definitely thought I was an idiot 5 comments
Cheeseburger cake 10 comments
grown man never grows up 5 comments
· 10 years ago
That looks like one in AZ I used to go too! I am slightly disappointed that it's not the only Chipotle like tha.
I'm from Arizona... It's tough to accomplish 11 comments
She still hasn't caught on 9 comments
· 10 years ago
It doesn't sound like he can't turn her on, maybe she just sleeps in clothes even after sex. I always put a shirt and underwear back on after sex unless otherwise requested because it's just more comfortable for me.
I can't believe people can be so heartless! The nerve of some people... 50 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know why the neighbors are worried about their kids. Their kids are already going to be pieces of shit with parents like that anyway.
We've been lied to..... 7 comments