I'm Doing This From Now On 2 comments
· 9 years ago
these wouldn't be such a bad idea if they were those cool reachable batteries with the usb end
Tortises are Pretty Weird 5 comments
· 9 years ago
this is why it's so bad to lift them up by their top shell, because it'd feel as if they're being torn in half (note the spine location)
Short girl problems 33 comments
Short girl problems 33 comments
Another Portal mystery 22 comments
For people who don't know the difference 62 comments
· 10 years ago
Sometimes Japanese borrows it's characters from the Chinese system, so that can get confusing.
Nasa is not so smart after all 32 comments
· 10 years ago
If there was a group willing to purchase that many tampons, the least they could do is pick up a box. And as for why you should know, it would increase your understanding of around half the world's population, or if it's what you're into, your understanding of your significant other.
Sandcastles 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I think I've seen one technique where you build the general shape of what you're making, and then you carefully carve away the excess.
Moisture is also a big factor. Too wet, and it becomes gloop, too little, and the sculpture crumbles.
Moisture is also a big factor. Too wet, and it becomes gloop, too little, and the sculpture crumbles.
The war on woman 28 comments
· 10 years ago
There have been years of that happening already, which is great. But if we keep raising men that they have to be aggressive, and women more passive, then nothing much can change.
I see humans but no humanity 17 comments
· 10 years ago
The hormones are high, most everyone feels horny, but not everyone expresses it the same way
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
· 10 years ago
Muslimism is complex and can be taken many deferent ways depending on the interpretation of the texts. But with your example, one could create reasons why to be cruel to parents as a show of affection.
Human circulatory system 28 comments
· 10 years ago
This is the best argument for evolution. Look at all the different parts that we share from other species, seeming to differ in a pattern from the fossil records!
I hope 11 comments
· 10 years ago
What??? What???? Like she wasn't fully committed to form a lifelong connection with him?
Not a problem for guys looking 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't worry so much about what people think of your sexuality. If people want to judge you by such a harmless picture, then they are jerks.
Not a problem for guys looking 44 comments
· 10 years ago
It's a problem because they are not intentionally trying to look that way for attention. I remember getting in trouble at school and on the job because of this. It's humiliating.
Education in Sweden 28 comments
· 10 years ago
But the fact that it's more of an option than in the U.S. makes it seem like a better system.
A russian astronomist once said 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Huge sigh over that movie. I didn't think the logic they used to prove God was strong enough. (pretty much God exists because you can't be mad at something that does exist?)
Teachers who do this are absolutely terrible 7 comments
The girl was blackmailing him for money 30 comments
· 10 years ago
All I can say is that feminists have no desire to associate with this type of group. These are extremists, and they do not represent the entire mindset of the group.
The many faces of lee pace 16 comments
Rational thinking neighbor 6 comments
The Real Fight For Women's Rights 16 comments
· 10 years ago
If you're alone on a bus and a stranger smiles at you, it shouldn't be scary, but it is.
Assaultists and rapists could be anyone, but a person acknowledging your presence shows that they already see you.
Not every stranger who smiles at me is creepy, but the fact that some are is what makes it so scary.
Assaultists and rapists could be anyone, but a person acknowledging your presence shows that they already see you.
Not every stranger who smiles at me is creepy, but the fact that some are is what makes it so scary.
If only this were a thing 12 comments
Just a friendly reminder. 16 comments
Depressed 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know if this will work for you, but I'm dealing with anxiety, and just getting up and walking every morning makes it easier for me to handle the stress
Best dad ever? 3 comments
Two of my favourite things 10 comments
I was utterly surprised she did not respond 12 comments
· 10 years ago
It might be tinder or kik? Or some other dating application, from the *You two like each other! Send her a nice message*
To all the hate posts against "fifty shades of grey" 25 comments
· 10 years ago
It normalizes rape and domestic abuse. One example would be when he tells her that she's free to leave at any time, but then later says that nobody loves her.
Domestic abuse often starts where one partner professes complete adoration of the other, and then tries to sever any connection to their social life.
And before people reply about the expensive gifts he gave to her, please note that abusers often give their victims cycles of gifts and guilt to make them stay. Often these periods of time are short before the abuser swings back to attacking the victim.
(please excuse my rant and paraphrasing)
Domestic abuse often starts where one partner professes complete adoration of the other, and then tries to sever any connection to their social life.
And before people reply about the expensive gifts he gave to her, please note that abusers often give their victims cycles of gifts and guilt to make them stay. Often these periods of time are short before the abuser swings back to attacking the victim.
(please excuse my rant and paraphrasing)
It'll be all forgotten in a few years 15 comments
· 10 years ago
19 and I accidentally call my friends mom
30 years later, everyone is mom. I can't remember what their names were before. Names have become a distant memory.
30 years later, everyone is mom. I can't remember what their names were before. Names have become a distant memory.
Not creepy but thought it should be said 38 comments
· 10 years ago
Music is known to shape the way that we think and behave, so maybe that's what they were trying to say?
Oh, you have no idea 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Firstly: Colleges don't usually have dress codes
Secondly: The lounge areas are typically in the dorm areas. It is perfectly fine to wear pjs in the dorm. The dorm is the home, and it is normal to wear pjs in the home.
Secondly: The lounge areas are typically in the dorm areas. It is perfectly fine to wear pjs in the dorm. The dorm is the home, and it is normal to wear pjs in the home.
Western media be like 30 comments
I think she gets it 12 comments
If only others did the same. 19 comments