

Gold coins, Ocarinas, and Pokéballs
I like my women how I like my juice....Naked.
Kik: Little_Conqueror
IG: cooterconker

— CooterConqueror Report User
The Dark Knight sleeps 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Fly into space and travel to other planets, solar systems, and galaxies just to see what's up in the universe.
Miss galaxy far away 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Idk much about these "miss universe" contests but they're not entirely judged on their beauty right?
Family Seal 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Me too, just boobs
Feeling alone? 1 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Works every time
This could be used to protect the border somehow, 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
It's not like you can easily cut down a cactus though
for the girls 6 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
If it makes you girls feel any better, us guys will get balder and fatter, oh so bald and fat as we age.
Titanium blades 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
This movie was so freaking funny. I loved it
A truck spilled its load of carbon dioxide 9 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Men, can't spill their load right
xmas present 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That was such a good skit on SNL
Every damn time. 6 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
This made me laugh so hard cuz it's so true
Gamer boyfriends 13 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I'd drop my controller and say bye to my friends instantly for any of my girls.
Inventions for lazy people 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Sandwich in a can? Idk
This is what the internet was created for. 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Will watch later, after work
I know what next year's Christmas card is going to be 17 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
He looks like he's 13, 14, or maybe 15. I don't think he's 8
Just going shopping 2 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Brotha so smooth
On my way to f**k your b*tch 4 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
"One More Way 2 Feel Your Breasts"
Much fury, such sad 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Yes, exactly
Much fury, such sad 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Personally I hate the bottom of my feet/socks getting dirty from walking around the house
I need a sponge, stat! 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Do you even hunt bro? 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I feel like if that cat was shaved and put into that exact same position it would be freaking ripped! Buff af!
Much fury, such sad 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I don't understand why it's so hard to wear sandals? :/
How high are you 6 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That gorilla looks so wise
Happens all the time to me 4 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Very true, I've noticed this myself.
Shirts, sweaters... Anything 19 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Yep this is extremely true, idk why it works but it does. Maybe cuz it makes it look as if your arms are bigger, as in more muscle.
I've been feeling a bit pepsi recently 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago