

Gold coins, Ocarinas, and Pokéballs
I like my women how I like my juice....Naked.
Kik: Little_Conqueror
IG: cooterconker

— CooterConqueror Report User
I present to you, me 7 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
This cat should be on a pokemon card
Find sources for other nutrients 32 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Alright guys, listen here. I'm not a vegan, nowhere near it actually, just had a big fat bacon wrapped sausage yesterday but there are vegans who are actually better off staying vegans. We have all evolved, some people's bodies are respond better to different diets. Just cuz you or someone you know doesn't look good as a vegan doesn't mean everyone else is like that. There are people who are better off staying carnivores, there are people who's bodies are better off with meat AND veggies or just veggies. It depends on the persons body. We're all different right? If a diet doesn't work for you, try another. Your body will tell you if it's working or not. I'm no expert but it's just what I noticed.
Dads are super heroes 15 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I don't really know my father so this is great stuff right here.
Watermelon croc head 4 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That is some mad skill actually
The truth about introvert people 17 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I'm an introvert and hate it. My life gets really boring sometimes cuz of it
Absolutely savage 7 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
She still looks really hot. Although I'd doubt she is forty, I'm terrible at guessing age
yep... seems about right 15 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
When were lighters though?
My name is 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
My name is Earl
Fez was always smooth with the ladies 1 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Funny how he ended up being sort of a player
its true! 28 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I picked up this trick myself a few years back. Also for you guys out there that want to be better looking: GET A NEW HAIRCUT! something modern and cool. Your clothes also make a big difference, test out different things to see what you look better in. So far, khakis, converse, and a plain buttoned up shirt make me look way more handsome than I actually am. Women also love a well groomed man, so find out if you look better w/ or w/out facial hair and stay well groomed. I go to a barber every 2 weeks now to get a haircut and hot shave since for now I look better w/ out facial hair. I'm only 20 and but my facial hair doesn't come in right so I just shave it all, once it comes in right I'll try a bit of stubble or something. If you have bad acne like I had when I was younger, get proactiv or something. It'll really change your appearance. BTW I've been a huge nerd/geek all my life, after high school I started figuring out how "not so good looking people" became really good looking.
Life is what you make it 11 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Hahaha someone gets it
Batman simply doesn't give a single f*ck 7 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
He doesn't care because although superman CAN smash his face in without trying, he knows superman won't do it. I'd be just as confident knowing no harm would come to me
This Couple Turned An Old Bus Into A Cozy Little Home 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Is it me or does the bus look like it got wider?
Life is what you make it 11 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
As a guy I'm only wondering one thing
Life is what you make it 11 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Some people can't handle so much skin I guess?
I love this "starter pack" posts 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Why is this too accurate
Preacher 12 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Wow! Ash finally became mortal, he grew a beard and everything instead of looking like a 10 year old
I am all clean now 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I had wondered this for a while. Thank you
okie, it's feelsubstance now 4 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Well that sucks. Not the mini movie but for the little girl
Gaming is a sport 12 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I love sports, videogames, and chess. I myself wouldn't put videogames and chess in the sport section though. Just my opinion though.
And here we have the majestic Siberian Huskies 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Look at those eyes! He's savagely chasing the booty
Short stuff to read 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Sodium batman
Remade into a Wonder Weapon 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Engineering and painting? That thing looks wicked
We're not so different 41 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Yeah but I'm conquering Cooter, that's not bad
Bruh what year is it 6 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
When you're in the middle of masturbating and you start hearing noises