

Gold coins, Ocarinas, and Pokéballs
I like my women how I like my juice....Naked.
Kik: Little_Conqueror
IG: cooterconker

— CooterConqueror Report User
Just what 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Yesterday was my birthday and my white girl sent me a birthday card that read "to the best daddy in the world! Happy birthday!" Lol so yeah I'm one of those guys that likes to be called "daddy". There's nothing wrong with it, it just takes the right guy to bring that certain side out of a woman.Oh and if you're wondering, I'm not some sort of douche or asshole. In fact, I'm a very nice guy.
Slave elsa cosplay 34 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Hahaha "maybe if children are around" wow! Just a joke
Slave elsa cosplay 34 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Is that really such a bad thing though?
Do you know how much planning that must have taken? 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That was very enjoyable
Please tell me I'm not the only one. 11 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I actually try using the force
His performance as Lex had everything I would want in the Joker 9 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
He is a good actor yes, I'll give you all that. No hate on him or anything but he was definitely not cut out to play Lex Luthor. Like the post says, he would be a great joker, hek even a riddler, but Lex? He reminded me of nothing like Lex Luthor.
Summoning the monster 17 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Yes, that's how you say it
A watch to keep track of deadlines 2 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
It looks like it's time you get your shit together
Apple watch 1 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Must've cost a fortune
Oh makes me so happy tbh xD 1 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I had uncontrollable diarrhea and after looking at this my problem went away.
Don't make a fool of yourself 16 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
To the person that posted this:
Are you a girl?
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Happy mother's day!!!!!! 13 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
People want kids because it's in our genes to reproduce, that is what we were made for. I don't want any kids myself (I'm only 20) but there are many people who do because they're bored with their life's, and a child brings pleasures, and of course pains, that nothing else can. It is in our DNA coding to keep our genes alive, that is how we are hardwired.
What about a painted horse? 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Does it also happen to glow in the dark?
its the anti-christ 9 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Cool, enjoy your birthday.
its the anti-christ 9 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
its the anti-christ 9 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
My birthday is on Friday the 13th this year. But that's about as cool as it gets.
I present you the fluffiest creature ever 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That moment when you take better care of your animals grooming than your own hair
What batman could have used in Batman v Superman 4 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Superman would disintegrate that power ranger sword
Choose a side Baby boy 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
If you zoom in, it kinda looks like iron man is flipping him off
A present 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I've always wondered why the eyes of dogs and cats always glow when they get their picture taken. Anyone know?
Now we have to find a horse sized duck 11 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I have a horse sized di... oh you said duck..oh ok nevermind.
Very True 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Except a good night's sleep. (Which I won't be having tonight)
¿qué? 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
[Comments in spanish] no entiendo
I like my conversations like I like my clothes 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Is that booberella from the Simpsons?
Damn 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
A pencil sharpener for sure