

Gold coins, Ocarinas, and Pokéballs
I like my women how I like my juice....Naked.
Kik: Little_Conqueror
IG: cooterconker

— CooterConqueror Report User
Am I right ladies 72 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
As a male I am extremely creeped out right now. I didn't know most of this.
*forever regrets clicking on the comments*
Get it together Margaret 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Are you kidding me? Coke makes my teeth feel terrible, Pepsi doesn't give me that feeling. I don't drink soda anymore but I remember what coke did to my teeth. Not that coke isn't good, just prefer Pepsi. Probably gonna get downvoted for having an opinion.
Done doge 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Good, I'm not the only one that noticed.
f*ck Cal 25 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
This is only making me not trust girls with a lot of makeup on.
The best guy 12 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I caught it after the fourth line
The HandPan is a pretty cool instrument 1 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
How come I've never seen such an amazing instrument before?
Same 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That's what happens when I enter the cold water at the lake, but not to my neck hehe
This has become my life 10 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Generic lol
Daily dose of NOPE Day 12 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
OK that was freaking hilarious. He ate that thing like spaghetti
Bro, do you even operate? 5 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That sleight of hand pro
We're in a restaurant. Control your kid 13 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
I hate these kind of parents
Parenting fail 6 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
That'd one way of making sure you always get your money back
When does his black metal album come out? 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Is that Sly Cooper in real life?
Perfect place for a vacation in the middle of a forest 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
It's all fun and games until the monkeys show up and fling their feces at you
Just what 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Hmm well I can't prove it sorry
Now we have to find a horse sized duck 11 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
It doesn't?! Such a shame
Just what 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Haha that's good I guess. What is it you're questioning?
Just what 14 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
It's all good, you don't know me so I don't expect you to believe me. I really am a down to earth good guy but of course this is the Internet, people can say anything. I only said I was a nice guy because I figured people would probably think I'm one of those guys that doesn't treat women right. But I tend to treat the girls that I'm with like queens. Question all you want about me, I understand.
Blubber 8 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Honestly, the only part in that movie that actually made me laugh so hard till it hurt was when he was put to hang and he wouldn't die. That was freaking hilarious, but that was it, I can't remember anymore funny parts.
How I imagine parenthood must feel. 3 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
The water challenge 17 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Lol well that is very true
The water challenge 17 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Well no wonder I'm such a skinny fuck! I drink nothing but water with every meal. Water this water that, water is freaking great.
I'd bang that 2 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Epic Crystal Ball Pokemon Display 9 comments
cooterconqueror · 8 years ago
Anybody happen to know where to get these? Or anything close to it?