· 9 years ago
(in Australia) this is only until the proper authorities show up and usually involves a court case afterwards. It's not a proper arrest, but a way of detaining a suspected criminal for a short time.
They win 416 comments
· 9 years ago
At time of commenting, there are 60 comments (not including this one) on this funny, but simple post. AND 59 OF THEM ARE REPLIES TO A SINGLE POST FROM ONLY TWO PEOPLE.
...get a room.
Edited 9 years ago
...get a room.
John Green Needs To Be Stopped :´( 24 comments
Who says yoga can't be macho? 4 comments
I'm so tired right now 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I've put a book down, worrying that it was going to run out of charge before.
Wish I could do it everytime 9 comments
· 9 years ago
many of these already exist or can be done with a little bit of (experienced) DIY.
What could be 36 comments
· 9 years ago
It probably does it the same way a headphone jack does, but doughnut shaped instead. This design would look a bit better then a giant headphone jack in my opinion though (if it works the same way).
A mural by Jen Stark 5 comments
Not bad 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I started to, got worried, read the plot synopsis and decided against continuing.
Ass cancer 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Can someone who is a doctor please confirm if excessive farting is a symptom of ass cancer?
Just Think About This If You Feel BAd :) 7 comments
Augmentation 14 comments
· 9 years ago
That does explain the typically bad coordination due to the massive growth spurt.
Thoughts and opinions about this? 30 comments
· 9 years ago
If the author helped with it and was overseeing it (as celtrose said) then she must be ok with it and it would have to follow her style and skill for that. Just think of it as a REALLY good fanfic.
History is coming full circle 11 comments
I live in Sweden and it is true 42 comments
· 9 years ago
At my school it is sort of all over the place: their are girls walking around with skirts higher then their "shorts" (which is WAY above the restriction), and the only thing the school cares about, and i'm not kidding, is the color of the students SOCKS. Which isn't mentioned in the rules. At all. Nothing. A dress is seen and it's "please pull / roll it down or find a longer dress, goodbye." but a blue or (god forbid) LIGHT GREY sock is seen, and it's all "what's this, not dark blue in shade #1674 exactly? detention, now, goodbye".
SCREAMING 24 comments
· 9 years ago
If Panther gets him from behind he should win but Bucky would likely win in a head to head fight.
SCREAMING 24 comments
· 9 years ago
GODDAMMIT, my two favorite characters are on SEPARATE teams, now who am I supposed to root for?
Nope, definitely should not 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Did anyone see "The last Unicorn"?
Give that cat an eye patch, take a leg and we have a match.
Give that cat an eye patch, take a leg and we have a match.
Awww look at the little mooses! 11 comments