Badass 3d printed titanium prosthetic leg 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Titanium is very strong, but also very brittle because of it's inflexible nature. This would be lightweight and strong, but could shatter if something hits it to hard or he stomps with all his weight. Plus, it might be a *little bit* pricey to repair.
They can destroy a man's life with one lie 53 comments
· 8 years ago
I really am sorry, but:
Do I need to show more?
Do I need to show more?
So would be called Brony or Truce? 13 comments
these people come out of nowhere 10 comments
· 8 years ago
I was asking for that, wasn't I?
Honestly, the best I've got was when I was speaking all the lines on one side of a conversation on an audio book to practice for a performance (the book was Twilight, the play was something else, but the teacher recommended that strategy and it was the only one I had) when my dad walked in while in the middle of the meadow scene.
I don't have much worse, sorry.
Your turn!
Honestly, the best I've got was when I was speaking all the lines on one side of a conversation on an audio book to practice for a performance (the book was Twilight, the play was something else, but the teacher recommended that strategy and it was the only one I had) when my dad walked in while in the middle of the meadow scene.
I don't have much worse, sorry.
Your turn!
these people come out of nowhere 10 comments
It would be majestic 37 comments
· 8 years ago
Nobody has replied with any good fannart links yet.
If anybody has any, PLEASE REPLY!!
If anybody has any, PLEASE REPLY!!
Baby hippo learns how to swim 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Not quite the same, but very similar:
Today this came into my mind 35 comments
Fantasy Avengers 8 comments
Gotta love it when your best friend is a lion 25 comments