Marvel's Cinematic Universe 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I hope you guys realize that X-Men IS a Marvel comic... Also, the reason that it would not be up here would be that Marvel is not the one producing the film. Ryan Reynolds is producing it independantly from Marvel because he was unhappy with how the "Deadpool" character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine turned out.
Teddy Roosevelt is a baddass 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Excuse you.
Andrew Jackson avoided assassination several times. One of which the assassin ran up to him, attempted to shoot him with a flintlock pistol (misfired), and Jackson proceeded to beat him half to death with his cane.
Andrew Jackson avoided assassination several times. One of which the assassin ran up to him, attempted to shoot him with a flintlock pistol (misfired), and Jackson proceeded to beat him half to death with his cane.
October plot twist 14 comments
· 9 years ago
OCTOber- 8
NOVEmber- 9
DECEmber- 10
Guys. Caeser screwed things up more than just October.
NOVEmber- 9
DECEmber- 10
Guys. Caeser screwed things up more than just October.
Weird rainbow sighting in Manila, Philippines 25 comments
Open your mind 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Also, hurricane Katrina was just about a decade ago. Like you said, completely unrelated.