Impress me, youtube 25 comments
· 9 years ago
This is not a technology issue. The technology for this is very simple. The sole reason that you are not able to do this is because YouTube makes money off of the ads that run before/during their videos, and you can't see the ads if the app is closed. So, they make sure the app has to be open in order for you to listen to whatever it is you want so that they can bombard you with ads and make money off of this.
Jake the dog knows what's up 10 comments
They're all beautiful 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Agreed. HOWEVER,
Being morbidly obese is not beautiful
Being skeletally skinny is not beautiful
Don't starve or gorge yourselves in the name of "beauty". Be healthy
Being morbidly obese is not beautiful
Being skeletally skinny is not beautiful
Don't starve or gorge yourselves in the name of "beauty". Be healthy
Just wtf?? 7 comments
· 9 years ago
The dude who commented is assuming that she knew the whole time. If that were true, I doubt she'd be complaining about the arrangement, as it would likely be consensual between all three parties.
Good guy Snowden 7 comments
not sure if this is true or not but if it is then I'm in danger 90 comments
· 9 years ago
Can I just say that this is NOT a legitimate reason to not support Trump? What this is preventing is ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS becoming citizens by default just because they HAPPENED to have a child after they jumped the fence. If the families are illegal, THEY SHOULD BE DEPORTED. They do not belong to this country. Now, do not mistake me for a Trump supporter, because that I am not. But get your priorities straight guys.
Twins everywhere 18 comments
Redneck air conditioned dog bed 5 comments
Sarcasm at it's finest 11 comments
· 9 years ago
They can't force you to sign a contract to stay in the hotel. That's complete legal BS.
How to eat chocolate indefinitely 14 comments
· 9 years ago
He added an extra square of chocolate from thin air. This doesn't actually work geometrically.
Worst girlfriend ever. She ruins raiders of the lost ark 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Wrong movie. She was talking about Raiders of the Lost Ark strictly. The collapsing cave with the Holy Grail was the Last Crusade.
Bernie Sanders isn't a Nazi 58 comments
· 9 years ago
Exactly why there aren't any political systems that work: the person in charge gets corrupt and screws everyone over.
Bernie Sanders isn't a Nazi 58 comments
Think of it 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Is nobody gonna mention the fact that it literally says kind people are kind?
Bernie Sanders isn't a Nazi 58 comments
· 9 years ago
I've never seen the argument that Sanders was Nazi-esque, but I personally believe he's more communist-esque than anything. Sure, he's a "democratic socialist". Sure, socialism creates almost perfect equality in society. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong. On paper, socialism is the perfect theoretical society. Everyone puts in the same general work level and everyone benefits equally. However, socialism has never, and I repeat NEVER, worked properly when put into practice. It may work as expected for a short period of time, but there will always be someone who comes along and makes a grab for power, thus destroying any equality that the original system had. We call this subsequent government communism. We nearly went to NUCLEAR WAR with the Soviet Union in the 60s and 70s to PREVENT the spread of communism, and now this country is attempting to put a communist into the White House. America, what the hell? Please, educate yourselves. Look deeper into his policies than his hollow promises.
Biased social pressure 17 comments
We've got a winner 11 comments
Damn worth the read 50 comments
· 9 years ago
You are the WORST, I repeat WORST, kind of person. But at the same time, fucking PROPS for that, you GLORIOUS piece of SHIT XD
One in four americans 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Climate change itself does exist, as has been proven time and time again by scientists. GLOBAL WARMING is the concept that mankind is warming the planet with out industrial byproducts and whatnot, and does not exist, which has also been proven. That's a fact, yet it has been greatly ignored.
Boom!! right in the friendzone! 32 comments
· 9 years ago
You see, there are two types of "friendzoned" guys.
There are the ones who think women are obligated to sleep with them just for being nice, AKA idiotic douchebags.
Then there are the guys that basically dedicate themselves to a girl and go out of their way to make said girl happy, only to have the girl say something along the lines of "I wish I could find someone like you..".
Am I the only one that thinks a little frustration about the second "friendzone" listed above is at least slightly justified?
There are the ones who think women are obligated to sleep with them just for being nice, AKA idiotic douchebags.
Then there are the guys that basically dedicate themselves to a girl and go out of their way to make said girl happy, only to have the girl say something along the lines of "I wish I could find someone like you..".
Am I the only one that thinks a little frustration about the second "friendzone" listed above is at least slightly justified?
Can't get a date 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I mean
Hitler was the leader of the country at the time, and he was extremely charismatic and powerful. Of COURSE he was going to be desirable.
Hitler was the leader of the country at the time, and he was extremely charismatic and powerful. Of COURSE he was going to be desirable.
Marvel movies logic 10 comments
Life and death 38 comments
· 9 years ago
Y'all realize that our days aren't actually 24 hours long ever, right? The actual time is 23 hours and 50-something minutes. We just say it's 24 hours and plug the excess time into that one extra day every 4 years: February 29th. We do this because the Earth's rotation is not a permanent ratio to it's orbit around the Sun, so every 4 years we get 366 days in the year instead of 365.
Anyways, the point of this post is that there are only two days in your lifetime that are shorter than the others. For all of you trying to prove it wrong with daylight savings, or time of birth/death, just stop. For one, America is one of, if not THE, only country/countries that follow daylight savings, and it is very nearly impossible to die the exact second you were born years before. Y'all need to take the post for what it means and stop trying to prove people wrong, cuz all it does is make you look like a jackass.
Anyways, the point of this post is that there are only two days in your lifetime that are shorter than the others. For all of you trying to prove it wrong with daylight savings, or time of birth/death, just stop. For one, America is one of, if not THE, only country/countries that follow daylight savings, and it is very nearly impossible to die the exact second you were born years before. Y'all need to take the post for what it means and stop trying to prove people wrong, cuz all it does is make you look like a jackass.
Not sure if real life 68 comments
Not sure if real life 68 comments