

To whoever keeps down voting all my comments for no reason, what did I ever do to you?

— CrashBandicoot Report User
Disney Princes 16 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Milo from Atlantis
Good Guy Freddie Mercury 6 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
I personally think this was meant to be taken as he sung about them like that so they'd feel better about themselves
They're onto me 9 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Yeah that would be her.... Or them since the blog is technically run by two people.
When two rivers meet 14 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
*resisting urge to sing Black and Yellow*
They're onto me 9 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Hey Mopar, how have you been?
An old Indian word 3 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
*sigh* it's a joke
When your balls are stuck to your leg 7 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Food fight
Bad day? Here, have some kittens! 10 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Quick! We need ten ccs of kittens stat!
One of my favourite episodes :) 6 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
"I wanted to sit next to Katara"
"Just sit next to me"
This episode kills me every time
-laughs- -sobs hysterically- 26 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
And then there's me, got attached to them about a month ago, then found out they've been broken up for a while. Broke my damn heart
Korean comic 5 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
I quite frankly always find these hilarious
That fabulous thief 4 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Yep that is literally Lady Gaga's dog. *sigh* if I didn't already know this this post could be hilarious... Knowledge ruins everything
It should really make a comeback 30 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Thank you! I am so tired of people complaining about most disney princesses being white when most fairy tails originate from Germany, a country with a large abundance of white people
It should really make a comeback 30 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
I agree. As much as I consider Frozen to be a good movie (I didn't like Tangeled or Wreck it Ralf, but that's just me) I miss the old traditional styled disney movies, and it saddens me to think that The Princess and the Frog was the last one.
I love penguins so much 7 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
*stayin' alive, Stayin' alive. You were close
They know 7 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
I had the red one. Still play it sometimes :)
This is great. 8 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
No problem! Might as well put the laser eye sight my contacts have given me to good use!
This is great. 8 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Translation for fellow mobile users:
Yesterday a parent posted this on Reddit with a request: "My daughter recently passed away after a long battle in the children's hospital. Since she was in the hospital her whole life we never were able to get a photo without all her tubes. Can some one please remove all the tubes from this photo?"
I can't see the last line while typing a comment but it's something about the thread taking off and the pictures being from nice people.
Kids nowadays....It makes me sad 40 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
I swear to god these kids find a new way to disgust me every time I watch 'kids react'
Scariest story ever. 67 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Oh yes, during one of these fuckers I discovered my asthma because I nearly passed out afterwards. Beep tests may burn in hell.
My Dad told me this. Take a look at yourself 9 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Yeah.... I was a dick in second grade. I hope that means I'm not a dick anymore.... Unless giving the middle finger to the guy who sexually harassed my sister every time I walk past him in the hall counts as being a dick (I've been told doing that makes me a dick for some reason)
My first post! 13 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Yeah funny story..... That was my tenth birthday. Yep, every kid wants to get a almost useless, outdated device that takes away their allowance for their tenth birthday. Also thanks to my lack of people to text or call I never touched the thing and my dad would threaten to take away my XBox if I didn't buy another prepaid card for it.
Furbies are Satan's puppies..... 14 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
My friend had one of these fuckers when I was a kid. Slept over at his place and it turned on during the night and started talking, ever since then I've been terrified of these things.
Your better choose wisely 5 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
Aw shit, either Namek blew up or Krillin died..... Again....
For all the bartenders/waitstaff out there 1 year of "keeping the change" 8 comments
crashbandicoot · 10 years ago
You know guest, people have rights to comment on whatever the fuck they want. Lord am I happy people don't get themselves all worked up over MGoveia anymore...
2 · Edited 10 years ago