
Why are you reading this?

— CDB Report User
C'mon People:  18 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Someone got mad at me on the internet because they were pretty much slapping their face on the keyboard and I told them to get a thesaurus, all the while flaunting my vocabulary. They said that it was practically impossible for me to know all these words and they said that I probably had a thesaurus
Introducing the cat spa 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
that's one hell of a foreplay
Chick got deported over a tweet 12 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
salt harvester got dat right
How can it be done 13 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
You turn it upside down from the picture
Every yawn is a potential bl*wjob if you're fast enough 8 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
He looks like a stunned cat
Sydney schoolboys take down Martin Shkreli, the 'most hated man in the world' 24 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Jackpot 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
It flunked at the keys
Please guys, be honest to yourself 15 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
As he flies past birds in the sky he shouts, vaguely heard below "WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS BELONG TO? IT'S STILL MOVING!'
Drown him! Drown him! 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Wet Diaper: Extreme
Drown him! Drown him! 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
I glimpsed it and thought the man's hands were the baby's ribs and that it was alien
You can't spell option without potions 5 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Wot. Who is they and where can I find them
Just kidding I'm not a stalker.
He betrayed them 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Camerawoman is an option
Baby and cocaine 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Staring at urself while you do a line
Challenge accepted 7 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Um.... no... that's just the emoji for it...
Reading this made my head hurt 14 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
This is what creates black holes! :D
It's important to know when you've had enough 7 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
It made sense actually until the last 7 words lol
The hero the world needs 14 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
I literally doubted it from when it said he disarmed a bomb. You need special training for that dude
Who wants to live there with me ? 45 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Rise and act before it's too late 48 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Lots and lots of hamster wheels
Doctor Visit 8 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Yup. Eating her pusseh
Which character would you funsubsters like to play? 27 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
GG nobody else seems to mind
Which character would you funsubsters like to play? 27 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Hermione lol. Or maybe Sirius if I was a dude lol
7 · Edited 7 years ago
All good things just for you 7 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
They could just hug really close and share it. That's what my mum did. Or you could just have more than one if you knew it was rainy
What's your favorite? 7 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago