
Why are you reading this?

— CDB Report User
Sounds like Nom Nom 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
I'm assuming this is satire
Bizniz fillosuffee 7 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
And they also have less hoops to jump through to get you what you want. They can decide to give away a freebie, but a chain can’t have losses
"Its all part of the magic system guys-" 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
“How not to summon a demon lord”
Yes 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Shrimp fried rice
Group-based guilt always works out well 8 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Oh for sure women are in more danger statistically. That doesn't mean we need to put down one gender. Women are just as capable of violence, and looking only at statistics denies male victims.
The tasteful thickness of it 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Why can I only see this as being coomed on....
Group-based guilt always works out well 8 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
It's almost as if making generalisations that villainize 50% of the population is a *bad* thing... hmmm.
rings 10 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
I feel like the pictures for Bombadil movies shoulda been switched. He was happy... until the Civil War
rings 10 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Gollum Moive
How is it spelled? 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
I just remember it for how it looks like it should be said, and then remember the actual pronunciation later. Bourgeiouse. < first attempt. Usually autocorrect can get it from there
I just wander around a bit, lift a few things, and go home 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
I fucking love how pandas look like onigiri
Someone needs a hobby 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
This is an advanced shitpost, cos SpongeBob isn’t nude. He wears a shirt and tie and shorts
Got him 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Someone explain
Im screaming and no one can hear me 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
If you look at most of these problems, they’re mainly caused by the economy. If we didn’t put so much emphasis on infinite growth, and instead strengthened quality of life, a lot of these problems would be solved
Im screaming and no one can hear me 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Step 1: More government funding in education, less in military.
It's really not that cold 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Actually fuckin hate the "Finns put heat on in their homes" far before they button up their shirt. Whoever made this meme lives in an idiotic overprivileged culture that doesn't take electricity seriously.
Sauce? 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
This is meta as fuck
My new Bert doll <3 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
This is absolutely adorable. I love it
It's evolving, but backwards 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
They put a shadow on the third eye, which wouldn't make any fucking sense since your forehead is a smooth plane. Dafuq
aaa 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
And this logic is not right, we might need some help 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
You’re supposed to follow the red words together, and the blue words together
If you get it you get it 5 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Free market ftw 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Big Ben, we have lift off 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
I’m pretty sure it might’ve been?
Potatoes 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 2 years ago
Awakening what