
Why are you reading this?

— CDB Report User
Dang 8 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
I’ve conglomerated my pawns to form the mega chessatron
In bed it’s a euphemism of course
3 · Edited 1 year ago
Well? What would you do 6 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Wash the blood off
If you don't know keep it that way 5 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
I can’t believe I’m chronically online enough to answer this.
It’s a pixel gif of a girl getting essentially butchered with lasers, starting with the skin
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Internet hall of fame 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
My face doesn't suit it ;-;
And I don't like skirts
1 · Edited 1 year ago
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
You are all forgetting that there is no x between the two and the parentheses. That means what is within the brackets is times by two.
The answer is one
C’mon web-head! 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Punisher is either sick of the bullshit or he realised he didn't need to give the urine sample
⠀2⠀ 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Bruh don't fuckin put 60 as the next highest.
There's a difference between sex, gender, and sexuality.
Sex: biological
Sexuality: who you are attracted to
Gender: The amount of feminine/masculine you identify as.
If gender is a spectrum like colours, then we gotta recognise even colours are rarely called anything other than red, orange, yellow, etc.
Don't add words just for the sake of planting a flag in your tiny little niche so you can feel special. You're dark orange. Deal with it.
A new hand touches the beacon 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Excuse me that is not plain. It lights up
· Edited 1 year ago
Or is it both, or can you switch? 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Using logic it's facing the water
It’s only getting worse 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
This is clearly just meant to get a reaction
Mindy did the whole gang dirty 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Honestly shocked they got away with being blatantly racist and bigoted
How did it get in tho? 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Quietly ask if it wants a drink
40000 people thought this was a good idea. It was not 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
From what I'm gathering and what I remember, I think the blast and shrapnel injured the spectators?
Am I disabled?? 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Considering there is no x between the 2 and the bracket, it goes like this:
1+2 = 3
2x3= 6
6/6 = 1
Why hurting innocent pupil man? 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
I read ahead in the manga and trust me the story grinds to a halt. I just hope the anime (if they have a season 3) can condense it into one episode so we don’t have to suffer
Stop knowing what I know 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Because of the way your brain stores things. It’s much easier to remember a song because they rhyme and have “catchy” tunes. Having multiple aspects makes it easier to memorise. That’s why it’s easier to memorise words with images as well
Cringe 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
If you ignore your cringe, how can you get rid of it?
My Hero Academia I'm fine guys 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
I stopped reading the manga around the time he fought the twisty sniper.
Purr for papa 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Literally a bigger stomach than woman with twins
taxi 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Seriously though
Do they not realise how bad their spices stink?
Hoe-hoe Nomi 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Jesus I haven't seen this meme format in years
Keep it away from (((them))) 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Screenshots of the above shows
His secret is he doesn't pay taxes 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Because he's twice the size of most people and is constantly active?
I have decided to donate my eyes 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
I've seen something that I truly want to erase from memory.
Incest, pedophilia, prostitution all in one.
I look into hell so I am no longer afraid of it.