
Why are you reading this?

— CDB Report User
If only we knew what caused it 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 3 weeks ago
Hmm, I wonder if things could
Now this is a long shot here
Affect each other? Like, not exist in a vacuum? Interesting
Goofy obeisant brimstone 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 4 weeks ago
I do agree that this meme is being purposefully race-focused
But also, it’s a very minority-heavy industry
Goofy obeisant brimstone 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 4 weeks ago
I don’t know about you
But my delivery/ride shares are almost never white
Oy! 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 4 weeks ago
Might be a more southern thing?
Broker imperfect sizable 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 4 weeks ago
But… the daredevil show was really good ;-;
Chat is this real 4 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
The point is
The joke falls flat because it doesn’t make sense
Look what they did to this poor car 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
Chick magnet? Nah, fridge magnet
Fertile Reindeer 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
“I will steal all your cattle!”
“Uh, most of us don’t have cattle…”
How I assume the rest of the world views the USA 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
Yeah, they don’t have diabetes
Imaginary Halter and Lead 10 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
I think it’s a similar scenario to fake-throwing a ball for a dog
This world must be destroyed 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
Hvad and Alena’s relationship is strained
TW Half Nude Hunk 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
Dad bod achieved
Well-groomed runtime acceptable 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
I can’t say for this specific scenario
But ARFID is more stressful, more psychological avoidance/barrier
Changed 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
As someone who has raised multiple butterflies
They do indeed poop after metamorphosis. It’s the colour of dried blood
Resonant unpleasant nimble 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
Idk I feel like there’s some strong contenders out there
Like from Road to El Dorado
No wonder there's a teacher shortage 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
Because it’s so important that some people will do it even if they’re paid less
Which therein lies the problem.
Removable second-hand chunky 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
“Why can’t he just forget about me lying to him for years? Smh can’t he get over it?”
Ooof 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 5 weeks ago
It’s because men can’t find the g spot, duh
Hyperion here, need users to check in 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 6 weeks ago
Lowest standards 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 6 weeks ago
Why is being bisexual part of this?
Saw this in the garbage in the cafeteria on Friday 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 6 weeks ago
Idk seems a bit passive aggressive of a note
Quality learning right there! # Only in Australia 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 6 weeks ago
Ofc a public school would have kids that do this
Almost choked to death on my sammich because of this review 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 6 weeks ago
For anyone who can’t read Ant:
The pope’s stance on premarital sex is more adjustable than this thing
Oof 3 comments
creativedragonbaby · 7 weeks ago
You do realise ironically and for the lulz is the same thing?