Anon reveals the secret of his brain gains 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Not a full transcript:
“Do you view your brain as a muscle you can exercise? How do you exercise it? Do you have a routine?”
“I take psychedelics and watch anime without subtitles. Gotta confuse the brain muscles.”
“Do you view your brain as a muscle you can exercise? How do you exercise it? Do you have a routine?”
“I take psychedelics and watch anime without subtitles. Gotta confuse the brain muscles.”
Made a discovery at work 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
But are the bags individual? It doesn’t matter if the casing is separate or not
But are the bags individual? It doesn’t matter if the casing is separate or not
Score one for Sonic! 3 comments
· 18 weeks ago
I have literally never had a “icecream machine broke” situation
I guess it’s just an American thing?
I guess it’s just an American thing?
Osaka castle , japan 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
You can actually go up to the top, and get a decent view of the city. (But it’s covered with mesh)
Fish 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Currently reading a novel called Nebula’s Civilisation
It starts out like a very well written video game isekai where the players are gods, but it goes into some really interesting theological discussion towards the end.
Earlier on, they actually bring up the “if god is good and mighty, why does evil exist?”
Well, in this situation god isn’t necessarily all powerful, and also with the perspective that suffering leads to change, development. We know this because we live in the modern era. We know the steps taken along civilisation
Edited 18 weeks ago
It starts out like a very well written video game isekai where the players are gods, but it goes into some really interesting theological discussion towards the end.
Earlier on, they actually bring up the “if god is good and mighty, why does evil exist?”
Well, in this situation god isn’t necessarily all powerful, and also with the perspective that suffering leads to change, development. We know this because we live in the modern era. We know the steps taken along civilisation
Hence the Name 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Well no
Because I assumed your name was Sherman and not the name of the person who signed the tattoo
Because I assumed your name was Sherman and not the name of the person who signed the tattoo
Gold-plated dotted ***** 3 comments
I will never not love this 3 comments
· 18 weeks ago
I have ADHD so I constantly have a radio of songs playing in the background of my thoughts
Otherwise I only have one voice in my head
And I would say I’m a 1 on the scale
Edited 18 weeks ago
Otherwise I only have one voice in my head
And I would say I’m a 1 on the scale
Friendly professional these 1 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Or you could just start with a bowl that is way too big and struggle to get all of it out and clean it after
Scramble your brain 2 comments
· 18 weeks ago
Cravings can usually be for something you’re missing in your diet
Like, craving salty foods when low on sodium (or water. Hydrate)
Like, craving salty foods when low on sodium (or water. Hydrate)
New traffic rule 1 comments
wotah 2 comments
· 19 weeks ago
A very specific OCD
I’m sure it used to be less specific, but it got more specific over time
I’m sure it used to be less specific, but it got more specific over time
A Gillette epiphany 1 comments
Don’t think thats a gopher (facebook) 1 comments
Pervasive rich fainter 1 comments
I made a new friend recently 1 comments
· 19 weeks ago
We laugh but it’s a reasonable concern. Everyone has flaws, and that means they’re probably hiding parts of themselves
Please tell me to see this as well 2 comments
Help á bro out 2 comments
· 19 weeks ago
I guess because they have a wider societal message that they can *do* something about it
Women tend to be sold products as a solution, rather than action
Edited 19 weeks ago
Women tend to be sold products as a solution, rather than action
Interdependent spherical bad 3 comments
· 19 weeks ago
I don’t have Ubisoft’s launcher but I feel like I could download my Steam library singleplayer exes onto a USB and have them forever
Lagging altruistic injurious 1 comments
· 20 weeks ago
Pantheon or Parthenon?
Edit: Googled. It’s Parthenon.
Edited 20 weeks ago
Edit: Googled. It’s Parthenon.
Because the meme has to be relatable somehow
Clearly icecream machines being out of order is more common in America than Australia?