Beep boop


— Beep boop Report User
Stuff That'll Be On The Test 15 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
If you want the government to have money then allow for bigger taxes. DoNotPay, helps people appeal UNFAIR fines. Meaning they are using the law to get them out of paying? Shouldn't the government earning money be lawful?
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Terry crews 11 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Terry crews 11 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Having fun with semantics?
Stuff That'll Be On The Test 15 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
For #13: I was fed soy milk until I was 3 months old because I had an intolerance to breast milk and formula. According to an ABC article (link below) the child was starved, the lack of nourishment was what killed their child not so much the soy and apple juice.
Article Link:
@Burger king hello! 20 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
have y'all even seen the meme?
@Burger king hello! 20 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Why not both?
1050 lumen flashlight vs 72,000 lumen flashlight 3 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Now this is quality content.
@Burger king hello! 20 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Earth-chan is my waifu!!!!
Welcome to the emptiest space in our solar system 6 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Disclaimer: Known to mankind.
Quora b*tches 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
I remember the glory days of quora...
when you could log on and get summaries of research papers.
Whoops 6 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
I mean there isn't much of a difference between being unconscious, dead or sleeping.... I always fear that someone who's sleeping might actually need help.. but then i fear the social repercussions of waking someone up
Trying to do that 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
I think it means stuff you wish you knew when you were younger.
Trying to do that 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Knowledge is a thing. The first statement still applies.. but you only get knowledge.
We just need to accept that 13 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
True. There are standards of beauty, but those tend to change. Not by a lot but it's still change. I'll have to agree with diyrogue. It's rude to call someone out on their level of attractiveness to you.
Seize the opportunity 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Uh... cardboard can give you cardboard cuts, kinda like paper cuts but more painful.
I just laughed 5 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
Pretty neat 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
behold the wonderbra
Pretty neat 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
when the boobs are squeezed af
He did it again! 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
This looks legit tho
I wish school was like this when I was a kid 22 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
"Keep your stance wide. Keep your body lowered"
Locked up nice and safe 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
no.... that would be wrong
Lookin' at old family albums 4 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
i gues you were a pretty ugly baby then
This man 12 comments
cryoenthusiast · 6 years ago
I get that. It's just that there are more simple ways of stating that idea. I dunno... Writing is weird.
· Edited 6 years ago