Beep boop


— Beep boop Report User
ENGLISH 100 5 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Tzurezure Children. Nice rom com. Don’t put much thought into it, it’s a sit back and relax kinda deal.
Yeah not bad 2 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Dude that’s the worst feeling. When they cheat on you with someone you think is better.
So technical 5 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Triploid watermelons don't have seed. She wants infertile men.
what really happend last night.. 8 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
GASP i wasn't the only one
It would be great 8 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
So. A grammatically correct Nazi?
Sniff... sniff.... such beautiful poetry! 11 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Since your peen is near your center of mass, and not exactly in front of it, you'd rotate but not a lot.
Top ten characters that can beat Thanos (even with gauntlet completed) 17 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
So to clarify. In my language both "recorder" and "flute" are actually compound words of "flute" and an adjective. Thus in common speech, flute and recorder are often called the same thing. Regardless of the actual difference between them. Since they're called similarly and are wind instruments with the same general shape, they are treated as essentially the same.
Something important to tell her 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Also. Maybe time zones are an issue here. Plus is it really that bad that you get a text at 2AM? If you dislike noise you have options....
If you’re offended, stay offended 17 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I mean... it's not like the education system cares all that much if a student actually learns a language. As long as they have the grades.
Top ten characters that can beat Thanos (even with gauntlet completed) 17 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I've called it a flute for my whole life.... what the fuck is a "recorder" sounds like a VHS tape thingy.
Double oof 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Yeah like fapping to imaginary women
Contributing nothing 17 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
also: I love you, you deserve better, hold me tighter
What have we become 26 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
it's 20gayteen my dude
100%, works every time 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Hnghhhhh. I guess!?
It does 2 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
No. Of course it's not 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
That is what “winning custody” means.
I do this all the time taking tests & at work! 18 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
It hurts more because you still love them.
Where my weebs at? 5 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
This happens with muscles and microtears. The sore feeling is caused by those tears. Gains are to be made my friends. So many gains.
Hey there Delilah, what's it like in Baghdad city 20 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
When you’re a bard and everyone else is a fighter.
Time to wash my .... Frogs 6 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Im in love?
Infinity +1 is still infinite 16 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Countable infinity is a concept. the whole numbers are an example of countable infinity.
Infinity +1 is still infinite 16 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
You guys. Stop fighting over whether it’s countable infinity or not.
Infinity +1 is still infinite 16 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
If we’re taking one as a constant and not a higher order of infinity. Then his reply makes no difference. But since we don’t know what f(x) is we can’t say for certain what the limit is approaching.
Dog is trained to protect this little girl on command 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
We created them but we don’t deserve them. We don’t deserve good animals like them.
Divorce court 14 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I do love wanking.