Beep boop


— Beep boop Report User
Epic makeup skills 29 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I mean you can..... but he did a great job. I was fooled initially. Afterwards, I started looking for what he was hiding. With CD you always hide the parts you’re not strong in, you accentuate certain feminine features to hide certain masculine features. In this case, his chest, and facial hair. Everything else for this shot is spot on.
It's just a thought 10 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
At that point they see nothing. Even close to light speed all they’d see is a blip.
Epic makeup skills 29 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
You can tell from the line of concealer.
OCD valet is awesome 7 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
You do not. I think we’ve gotten to the point where ocd is used both as the disease and as a mood where you want to organize everything.
Dyson fans and a balloon 4 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
It’s so cute! Look at it go!
Some people wanna die 4 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Holy fuck.
Oc hopefully 33 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
you stop that, you
Oc hopefully 33 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I can't help but notice two inadvertent Bradbury references.
Why are these girls lying 1 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Her: I’m so wet.
Whatever is on the ground is god's will 4 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Lawful good and Chaotic good.
Justice shall be served 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Usually "cutting" means overtaking a vehicle and passing lanes in that vehicle's braking distance. While accidents as a result of this don't happen that much, it still gives most drivers a tiny bit of panic when their braking distance is shortened, or "cut off".
Oh, so it's funny when a monkey does it 16 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Oh yeah no doubt they can be aggressive. But Stacy going on a 2 week trip is gonna think those "cute monkeys will never hurt a soul".
Sausages crying for their lives 3 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Imagine waking up to that sound in the morning.
is this love 17 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
This is selflessness, most loves except parental love are selfish in some regard.
do people even art 5 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Medieval times called for a lack of realism as that was seen as a better way to represent the “creations of god”.
Oh, so it's funny when a monkey does it 16 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Because we assume monkeys are innocent and not a threat (same with small children). But adult humans are probably not innocent and can pose a threat.
Halt! 4 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Thank you good guardsman. I am indeed using WIFI
Hiring knights 3 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
King Arthur and the Table of the Round Knights
Justice shall be served 9 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
honestly I hate people who cut you off only to turn at the light. Like damn bitch you couldn't wait an extra 5 seconds before I got there??
Chug it 58 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I can't deny that those types of friendships exist. Thanks Honey, for showing me an optimistic point of view.
Chug it 58 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Returns and finds this shithole of a comment section. Wtf guys.
Hate this 1 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
So what you do is you start a verbal power struggle. It's not rude at all, just the way people express themselves and you got the short stick on the communication lottery.
Colorful abstract mural in Memphis 2 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
Not abstract. But I get what you mean. It's really nice.
Edit: I added a nice comment so I don't sound like a pretentious asshole.
8 · Edited 5 years ago
Life is complete 3 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago
I'm confused.
Chug it 58 comments
cryoenthusiast · 5 years ago