Crystal Abbeduto


— Crystal Abbeduto Report User
Transparency in local government is refreshing 7 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I feel like this is pretty accurate for any construction project, from a house to a skyscraper
OwO 14 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Disney artists are all a bunch of furries!?
Fertile cooing Gnat 9 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
It's also illegal. Minnesota has laws about that.
7 · Edited 5 years ago
I see your high beams and raise you 10 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Are we not going to talk about how the hoops says Decepticon?
"the man!" 4 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I mean, it's not bleeding any more. The pictures couldn't have taken that long. If I were the daughter I'd want pics too!
How Italians like posts on facebook 1 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
This is not like! It's WTF
Oh.. Ohhhhhh 37 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I know! I was thinking, " So I talk to plants, but do they listen and obey?" Cause, I mean, technically I can talk to plants now....
what 5 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
OMG the ending of this ????
Please 3 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
If you think she's hot, you should see her mom!
Ask *** :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D 26 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Peeing in the next door neighbor's apartment, their bedroom I think. The neighbors I have never met
How a bat piss 3 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I was at the zoo and totally watched one per upside down and it just ran down his face
Upgrade 18 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
My intestines so I can eat like everyone else
Some shit must have gone down at this pool 13 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I have IBS. I don't think I've gone 14 without diarrhea in 10 years....
It still freaks me out 4 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
It ruined the whole movie
Anyone else experienced that? 6 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Sounds like a proprioception dream. Like your ears are weird from being sick so your sense of self, size, and place in space are thrown off resulting in this kind of dream.
Getting away with murder 19 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
It is an amendment that would be placed into already existing abortion laws that already started the penalties go to those who perform the abortion not those who try to obtain one.
Librarians use arcane magic 3 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I think the guy should be more concerned that the librarian's middle name is Hunter
I was playing hide and seek with my niece and this is where she chose to hide 5 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
If she were just a few inches taller, this actually might have worked.
:O 5 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I've always made it with water. And always disliked it. Maybe that's why.....
I made dis 10 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Very likely
I made dis 10 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I find it extra disturbing that Peppa Pig was the character chosen for this.....
Maybe he had this power but was done shitting 24 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Fascinating. Again, fun for me, thanks
Maybe he had this power but was done shitting 24 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
I had fun. So, force field generation? Sounds to me like this might be the ultimate super power? Able to lift things by their entire surface, float yourself or others, etc. Thoughts?
Don't forget the colossal bush 9 comments
cryscross · 5 years ago
Depends on the era. Any time with hoop skirts the pantaloons were open in the crotch so ladies wouldn't have to take off the whole get up just to pee
6 · Edited 5 years ago