The u.S. Healthcare system 3 comments
· 32 weeks ago
Maybe don't make guns, race, religion or pronouns your top priority when voting? Just an idea.
What the fish is that? 1 comments
· 33 weeks ago
Looks like submerged snapping turtle to me. Don't be fooled by their name, they are absolutely harmless. Especially the big ones are very shy but actually love human contact. You should pet it on the head next time. They love that.
Despairing equal scoundrel 2 comments
· 33 weeks ago
Not be that guy but a neutron star is already dead. What's it supposed to do? Die again? To become what? Come to think if it, yeah, I am totally that guy.
What do you call these kinda pictures? I took it from a moving vehicle lol 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
I'd call it good for Flickr but inappropriate for a funny meme site. Well, you asked.
Elephant garlic jackpot! One whole bulb. Quarter for scale 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Sure, let's use a coin for reference of which only ~4% of the world's population have a clue how big it is. This is the internet, you have the use standard units like bananas for scale. You know, anything but the metric system.
Legit 2 comments
· 34 weeks ago
I am surprised, that this surprises anyone. Happens to me all the time while driving on the motorway, especially on the straight boring parts.
Wife said the dyson wasn't working 4 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Yep, let's stick with that. I'm not sure you're right but I prefer your suggestion over anything my imagination came up with, by far.
Wife said the dyson wasn't working 4 comments
· 34 weeks ago
I don't know what I'm looking at and at the same time pretty sure I don't want to.
[OC] Loading ballast into a crane 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
But what is doing the loading? A bigger crane. And how did that one get its counterweights?
When they say that it's turtles all the way down, does that mean it's cranes all the way up? I have questions!
When they say that it's turtles all the way down, does that mean it's cranes all the way up? I have questions!
Unknown synchronized cleansed 1 comments
· 35 weeks ago
Nope. George Paget Thomson did NOT show that electrons are waves. He discovered that electrons show wave-like properties.
Bandaged ubiquitous jazzy 1 comments
· 37 weeks ago
Dark matter, it's called dark matter. When you're clueless about something but still want to bullshit, at least get the terminology right.
Can we just collapse yet? 2 comments
· 38 weeks ago
At the same time otherwise nice and friendly Americans turn into rabid grizzly bears threatening you with ass rape when you try to give them affordable healthcare. Go figure.
Diffused redundant unaided 1 comments
Confuse cut axiomatic 1 comments
· 39 weeks ago
That's why we have a similar, yet, more precise proverb German: Geld allein macht nicht glücklich. This translates to: Money alone doesn't make (you) happy.
Yup 1 comments
· 39 weeks ago
50% correct, it's just Excel. Nobody uses PowerPoint for anything even remotely useful. It's just used in endless meetings to illustrate what could've been said in one e-mail. It's good for scientific presentation though.
Oversize shoestring exuberant 1 comments
What does prefer? I drink coffee 3 comments
· 42 weeks ago
Because if you meet enough people (read: if you work in service) hatred becomes the default setting and coffee just tastes vile. No need to bring even more bitterness into my life.
This little hour once a year means the world to me 1 comments
· 43 weeks ago
For a moment you really had given me hope that this whole idiocy had ended for good.
Saw this label on the wall in an Emergency Room... You know there is always a reason for 1 comments
· 44 weeks ago
The best warning sign I've ever seen was outside the laser lab at our university: Please refrain from looking directly into the laser with your remaining eye.
Truly paradoxical 1 comments
· 44 weeks ago
I was worried about the temperature for a second but then I remembered retard units exist.
Lawl 3 comments
· 44 weeks ago
If the survival of our species depended on women making the first move, we would have gone extinct a long time ago.