kek 3 comments
· 2 days ago
Hint: genital mutilation.
Mongo puffball in the yard. Leg for scale (size women’s 8) 1 comments
· 2 weeks ago
Size 8 but which measuring system for shoe sizes? UK, US, continental Europe? To avoid questions like this, you should use the BFS international web standard like rest of the civilised world: banana for scale.
When my wife catches me using the "wrong" scissors again 2 comments
· 3 weeks ago
Only someone who has never tried to cut cloth or hair with scissors ruined by some moron who thought all scissors are the same would say that.
A normal day in Israel 2 comments
· 4 weeks ago
Sadly, this is normal. They are off duty soldiers. Given the circumstances have to be combat ready at a moment's notice.
Edited 4 weeks ago
Boorish Kouprey 5 comments
· 4 weeks ago
Not just America and I don't blame teachers. I'm just saying you'd be right in an ideal world. But that's not how homework is used in the real world and dismissing this joke as brain dead is just as simplistic. At least where I live, homework is used to cover everything that has to be taught according to the curriculum but couldn't be taught due to staff shortages and an ever growing curriculum.
Boorish Kouprey 5 comments
· 4 weeks ago
I beg to differ. While there certainly are skills that can be honed by training, homework beyond elementary school in general is useless. Either you understood the subject or you didn't. If you understood, repetition will make you what? Understand it again? And if you didn't understand the subject at school with an "expert" at hand, chances are high, you will not understand it at home on your own.
Edited 4 weeks ago
Now you know 2 comments
· 6 weeks ago
The main flaw is the sample size of all intelligent species known to us: one. It's based on the assumption that every alien species will behave towards a lesser developed one like we did throughout history to ourselves.
Wohmen baaad, kmeeee 1 comments
· 6 weeks ago
Nope, I still hate shitty writing. The prequels are also three steaming piles of shit. They just look better in comparison to the lake of diarrhoea that came after them.
Edited 6 weeks ago
Tell me you see it too..A border collie. 2 comments
· 7 weeks ago
You should get your eyesight tested, that's definitely a child in pyjamas.
Edited 1 week ago
TIL that the LAPD has 2 M60 belt fed machines guns in its inventory 1 comments
· 7 weeks ago
Two or three pixels more and might actually be readable. Seriously, this might as well be a shopping list.
Spookposting '24 #37 - Checkmate, Atheists 5 comments
Well-off onerous perky 2 comments
Spookposting '24 #37 - Checkmate, Atheists 5 comments
germ 1 comments
Wake up 2 comments
· 8 weeks ago
That's a lie, there's no rule or law keeping you from staring at that open fusion reactor. Go ahead and try it in front of a police station. You can do it for as long as you like. Nobody is going to stop you. You'll see until you don't.
I don’t understand how people are forgetting so many basic things from elementary 2 comments
· 8 weeks ago
I always thought "language evolves" is polite for "dyslexic and uneducated people gave their worst for so long that normal folks ultimately gave up".
Story time 2 comments
· 8 weeks ago
Lucid dreaming is a really nice skill to have. But wasn't it a black hole that read "exit"?