User cvjose07 Banned

Damn Jonah Hill, you're lookin' good 20 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Damn he looks hot now
Where were you all my life? 31 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Omg I just ate these for the first time and they are amazing
Seriously 27 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I don't get this
anyone know where this is from? 14 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Uh who is this guy?
This is disgusting 20 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I was so ready to blow this shit up then I saw Crocs and couldn't stopped laughing
The creepiest tent I've ever seen 22 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Lady Gaga must have this.
Yeah..right 11 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Omg I hate when people ask that! None of your business!
How to deal with assholes. 15 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Can we please Get a round of applause for this girl
Wooden doll makeup 12 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I need this for Halloween
Didn't realise either! 31 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I had no clue this was backwards until I saw that someone stated it. I knew something was wrong just couldn't figure it out
Think it twice before you cheat 37 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I don't think the point of the post is to be like hey guys I am psycho hahaha, but more of be careful because there are some psychos out there. Also I am not entirely sure why everyone is bagging on her and not the scum bag..... Why not both?
26 · Edited 10 years ago
Dream big!!! 8 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Seems legit
I suppose she's oblivious to the fact that she looks stupider than he does 36 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Let me tell you he walked around with this kool-aid smile and if he was truly sorry he wouldn't have that smirk on his face
This man is my hero! 18 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Please for the love of God remove this before my boyfriend sees this and gets ideas!!!
I suppose she's oblivious to the fact that she looks stupider than he does 36 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I saw that girl in the Mall! I swear I told her last year she was dumb for keeping him around!
Huh? 7 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
The more you watch the other officer as she laughs the funnier it gets.
Come on! Just knock! 6 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I seriously will just ignore whoever just walked and started talking until they walk out and knock and then make them start all over again
This had me thinking... 7 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Because every gay man thinks that if he is complimenting your outfit it is totally implied that it's not hetero at all
This had me thinking... 7 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
No you must say it before the action for that to be valid.
Unforgivable 12 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
Thanks Zombie, I was completely lost there for a minute.
Unforgivable 12 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I assume you must be a Star wars fan to understand??
Guest star 8 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I loved that show! What's wrong with you?
The exact moment when Steve lost it 15 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I am sorry is there something wrong with swallowing?
Guest star 8 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I just lost my shit! Haha
The truth 31 comments
cvjose07 · 10 years ago
I am going to go ahead and speak the truth because this blogger didn't even take the time to mention who this little girl is or what exactly she is fighting like he really gave a Fuck! If he wasn't just ranting then he would have taken the time to explore this. I have and I can tell you her name is Adalia Rose. Follow her on Facebook to learn more