The guy who wrote & produced "Call Me Maybe" made a song about pop songs (Pop 101) 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I thought it said "Call me baby" and got excited for a second
It's Not Going To Be A Nice Game To Play 9 comments
It's Not Going To Be A Nice Game To Play 9 comments
Women privilege 29 comments
· 9 years ago
also, on a brighter note, yes I'm a feminist. But an actual feminist only want equality for men and women. And feminazi, however, is a bitch who calls herself a feminist, but want women to rule and hates men. Learn the difference.
Women privilege 29 comments
· 9 years ago
In other countries, however, women get killed for getting pregnant through rape, women can't vote, women can't get an education, heck many cant even speak out or show their face! Women are in so much worse conditions out there and we, women in North America, can't even speak out for them because men don't care about what we think, and it doesn't concern them unless they're directly affected. Now tell me, who needs equality?
In case you're going to ask, I'm a female with a normal weight, not some land whale.
5"5 and 117lb to be exact. Happy?
In case you're going to ask, I'm a female with a normal weight, not some land whale.
5"5 and 117lb to be exact. Happy?
Women privilege 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Probably because we still get less pay, we get shit if were raped (how did you dress? You were probably too provocative) we still get no respect from men in ANY case and we're never taken seriously by society. We're only viewed as objects and our worth is based on our looks. While I do agree with some of the statements there, many are false. Who drowns five children and gets away with it? Nobody. Next to one can get away with such a thing. It may have happened once but that's a special case. And you know why we sometimes get away with domestic violence, rape accusations, and murder? Because who would believe we, girls, could do that? We're viewed as the weaker sex who's too emotional to do shit. So periods, to men, aren't THAT BAD but bad enough for us to not be able to do anything. And all these are just happening in America.
Arabs, hollywood vs reality 42 comments
Wheelchair accessible stairs! One hell of a cool design 8 comments
· 9 years ago
No that's really douchebaggy...
But hey this post is a year old so I'm gonna leave now
But hey this post is a year old so I'm gonna leave now
Arabs, hollywood vs reality 42 comments
Before and after 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I heard that happens with human kids too. Apparently that's what happened to me.
Before and after 7 comments
· 9 years ago
In one of the pairs of pics... One of the dogs' eyes go from blue to yellow...
Edited 9 years ago
It's like I always say. . 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Haha you little Mississaugians (or whatever it's called)
I'm a Torontonian
I'm a Torontonian
It's like I always say. . 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Is... That... Near Square One mall? They look exactly like the buildings near the Mississauga-Toronto area. I think it's Mississauga. I forgot. But I'm pretty sure those are the buildings near that mall.
The Dark Secret of Lucid Dreaming 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I used to lucid dream a lot when I younger, and I had no idea what was happening to me but I knew that this wasn't ordinary sleeping. Earlier this year I read about lucid dreaming and I finally found out what it was
If Only Real Life was More Like Anime 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I thought it was either Chen or Baek at first then I went to watch the whole episode of Showtime. But then, Baekhyun is also the one most likely to do something like this. I mean, who else?
The craziest japanese passing game ever 5 comments
If Only Real Life was More Like Anime 19 comments
· 9 years ago
........ Fucking Byun Boy...
... Of course it's Baekhyun...
... Of course it's Baekhyun...
If Only Real Life was More Like Anime 19 comments
Yours is no more valid than anyone else's. 61 comments
Bill Burr telling it like it is 42 comments