rape is hilarious 21 comments
· 7 years ago
There are way too many men and boys who actually believe this because their fathers, uncles, brothers and friends--and yes, though usually on a lesser scale, their mothers, aunts, and sisters--don't take their responsibility to protect them seriously and laugh at their pain.
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think your comparison holds, since hotels don't call police on all men traveling with minors (I think we'd have heard about that by now with the sheer number of single fathers) but do on ones exhibiting specific behaviors like arriving at an odd time with a child, trying to seem as if they aren't with the minortror are with a minor who looks like they're in distress. Now, if you were to say they should call the police on Muslims showing suspect behaviors, such as paying in cash, having suspect ID, handling luggage as if it had explosive items in it, and asking for specifics like where at a nearby event most people will be going, then it would be comparable.
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
· 7 years ago
1) You don't need a warrant to question somebody, 2) no constitutional right is violated by police showing up and asking you a few questions, 3) most kids will cry when asked questions by police regardless of age or situation because the thought of having done something wrong is stressful to children 4) this was in England, near London, where hotel staff are TRAINED TO CALL POLICE IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER A PROGRAM CALLED OPERATION MAKESAFE. You wouldn't get anything if you sued, because there wasn't even an invasion of privacy since it was a hotel and staff can call the cops for any reason they want as it's their property that you are on. And the guidelines of Operation Makesafe cover ALL ADULTS WHO EXHIBIT CERTAIN BEHAVIORS, not just men.
Jerry seinfeld has a good point 10 comments
· 7 years ago
My ancestors survived millions of years thanks to an instinctive avoidance of potentially poisonous insects and arachnids. Body wax never threatened their survival to cause that reaction.
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm not a big fan of having to jump through extra hoops, but it gets old when some peoples' reactions. to everything are "OMG, INCONVENIENCE OR EMBARRASS ME AND I WILL SUE YOU" instead of "okay, what kind of screwed up shit have these people seen in the past that this brought on suspicion?" Most of the people screaming bloody murder would be on TV if their own kids were ever abducted lamenting that nobody did anything to intervene when they were spotted.
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
· 7 years ago
If you're trained to call the cops when you see a flag, then you see that flag and call the cops, it's not bullshit. Just because we know after the fact that all was well doesn't mean it couldn't have turned out very differently. And do you know why they actually called the cops? They asked the man if he had any identifying documents for his child and all he had were some Facebook pictures. He had nothing else to positively identify her as his daughter. Hotel staff is not supposed to intervene in the case of suspected trafficking, they are SUPPOSED to call the cops. Because the cops know what questions to ask and how to verify the answers.
Edited 7 years ago
So I guess all white men are p*dos now 34 comments
· 7 years ago
The headline doesn't really give the full story. The hotel staff were trained to do certain things when certain events occur, as a crackdown on child sex trafficking. Very often, one of the signs of a kidnapping is a lone adult with one child who may seem out of sorts. Unfortunately, children being children, it's sometimes hard to read the situation. The hotel staff thought it was better to be safe and have the police check it out then have a potential tragedy occur. The police questioned the girl to make sure she was, in fact, with her father. While this did upset the girl, the staff should NOT be dissuaded from reporting red flags in the future. Sometimes the only thing between an abducted child and horrible events is hospitality or airline staff on the lookout. Like the father said though, it would be wise if the hotel asked for identities of traveling minors ahead of time.
Edited 7 years ago
I fear getting something wrong so much 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Don't forget that the research is usually the kind of thing that gets you put on a government watch list because of your search history.
Cost of war 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I thought the picture was saying that the cost of war was that a father/husband/everyday person with a life and family lost his life needlessly.
I can't be the only one 16 comments
· 7 years ago
That's fine for Grammar Police, who just want to point out you made a mistake and move on. The problem is with the Grammar Nazis, who for some reason try to correct the grammar on things like slang and colloquial dialects and completely ignore that all of those things have their own perfectly legitimate grammar rules that don't always mirror formal writing.
"Why Marvel movies are so bad?" 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Marvel has a decent array of movie "types." Rather than a single group of dark, gritty films it has a universe that has comedy (Guardians), pure action (Iron Man), everyman (Antman), mythical action/family drama (Thor), and moral/ethical dilemma (the Captain America movies). Marvel captures snapshots of the real universe, which has laughter and silliness right next to sadness and anger as human conditions, and built their franchise around them. There's something for everyone there, and if you come for the comedy you may stay for the drama (and vice versa). The world isn't simply grit and lamentations shot in gray and blue tones, which is what other franchises tend to offer. Marvel doesn't make bad movies, they make movies for everyone instead of just a narrow niche.
False hope is worse then no hope 12 comments
· 7 years ago
There's no such thing as a friend zone. You're a friend of his/hers because you either tried and were rejected (meaning you have been told there's no chance, it's up to you to leave if you don't want to just be friends) or you haven't tried anything and they don't know you're interested (meaning you haven't made yourself a choice and so you have no chance). The so-called "friend zone" is something you put YOURSELF in, because you keep convincing yourself you have a shot and won't leave. You're leading yourself on by pretending you have a chance, and leading them on by lying to them and letting them think you value the friendship as-is. If you don't want to just be friends, then don't be friends. Say goodbye. Move on, eat a bunch of ice cream dejectedly, slowly get over your heartbreak, and find somebody else.
Intelligence is underated 27 comments
· 7 years ago
It's using the slang term "to have a brain," in which case it means "has a decent level of intelligence." Not literally "has a brain."
Women and their cats 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Our cat doesn't like going outside, comes without being called, and loves to snuggle up with somebody on the sofa when she sleeps. She also knows to stop what she's doing if you say her name in a certain tone.
She's doing much better now 27 comments
I have definitely made this face 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Not really a smile, it's pursed lips. This is the barest minimum movement that can be used to acknowledge somebody without inviting conversation. It signals that you've seen the person, aren't an awkward weirdo who's going to duck behind a trashcan to pretend you haven't seen the person, and don't have the time/inclination to chit chat. Sometimes it's accompanied by raised eyebrows to mean something like "busy, busy, busy. Life, amirite?" Also sometimes a weird half-wave if you want to be nice and throw "hello" in there. Welcome to White People Communications 101, any other questions?
Smartest man *grabs popcorn* 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe he's not famous enough in the future for time travelers to have heard of the party.
And take your fingerprint while we're at it 5 comments
· 7 years ago
You can travel all you want, go for it! You just need permission from every country you go to before you trespass over their borders, identification proving you're a citizen of your home country before going across that border, and something to prove you are who you say you are if you need help at one of your foreign consulates. Now, whatever could be used for all that...?
So deep 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Let's not forget that tons of people who can't afford them would die to get their hands on expensive sports cars. Just because after something doesn't mean they got a shot.
Anon is Ghengis Khan 10 comments
· 7 years ago
If they were okay with banging a dude they barely know they're probably not really virgins and probably on some kind of birth control.
Entrance to the underworld 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Okay, but. Imagine lying there with all the lights out and the nice, pleasant glow coming out from under your bed, slowly drifting off to sleep. Then a shadow flits across the wall, and there's only one source of light.
who let this happen 81: gotta love it when family roasts family 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Nope, but I'm not ashamed of it either. I'm healthy and my Cheeto habit ain't fucking with anyone else's day.
Autistic screeching 9 comments
· 7 years ago
You can be religious and also believe in science. There's nothing wrong with a priest developing scientific ideas.