Good guy mike 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Petitioning to have thimerosal renamed to "theomerkadinkadink." Who's with me?
Good guy mike 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Aluminum is a naturally occurring element found in EVERYTHING. The human body usually has between 50mg and 150mg of aluminum in it at any given time, and over the course of vaccines infants will get less than 5mg overall. There are also two kinds of mercury: ethylmercury and methylmercury. I can't remember which is which, but I can tell you that one is the one found in fish that builds up in the body, the other is metabolized by the human body very fast and disappears quickly and is not a heavy metal that builds up. It's the metabolized version that WAS in vaccines, usually in trace amounts in thimerosal. And I think the thimerosal hasn't been in use in most childhood vaccines in something like 15 years.
Good guy mike 30 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't know why you were downvoted, first of all. But I'm assuming that's what they read off some website somewhere. I don't think thimerosal has been used in vaccines since 2001 or 2002, and the body naturally produces more formaldehyde at any given time than is in any vaccine. Any time anyone declares something has nameless "toxins" my bullshit alarm goes off.
Is it true? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
If somebody's a minor or the money isn't legally in their name then their parents are rich. If you can be cut off, you're just a dependent of a rich person. You are "well off" in that case, because you're not personally rich but you live well.
Good guy mike 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Vaccines usually are on a safe, spaced out schedule according to what's okay to give an infant/child. This doctor is probably referring to parents who want to space it out ridiculously long. Also, vaccines aren't "full of toxins," and lots of research goes into when children should get what. Combination/multiple vaccine visits are based on evidence, both old and ongoing. The CDC's schedule should be followed, as it takes into account what children are susceptible to and when. Most vaccines are on the schedule spaced out between birth and two years, with some of them being perfectly safe combination visits. Stretching it out any longer than that based on a whim is dangerous for the child.
Just thinking about Turkey 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think you understand what a dictator is. If Trump was a dictator, everything he said would become law. The ACA would be gone, and judges wouldn't be able to hold up his immigration ban. Our government is working exactly as it was designed to, we're just seeing the checks and balances used more vigorously in recent years as politics polarizes. Trump is not and cannot be a dictator.
Isn't it? 2 comments
· 7 years ago
It doesn't say it's bad to inherit money, it's saying it's starting out with an advantage. Lots of people start out with all different advantages. But if I'm amazingly good at math naturally and understand immediately without studying while my friend struggles with it night and day, when we both get an A in the class we're not the same. We have ACHIEVED the same thing, but I started with an ADVANTAGE and it was much easier. That's the point of this. It's not good or bad, it's just an advantage, and if you LIE about the advantage it's kind of morally cheating. And yes, if you take over an account with a high level character and take credit for getting that character to that level without acknowledging you didn't get there yourself it's totally cheating.
Edited 7 years ago
Primal instinct 9 comments
· 7 years ago
That top is at least 1-2 cups too small. The right cup size would lift and separate nicely and give her nice looking cleavage without being squashed. Everytime I see this image I wince for her.
Girl cheated on boyfriend 34 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think smitty even read your comment. The first thought he/she seems to have had was "OMG, SOMEBODY DEFENDING A WOMAN AND NOT A MAAAAAAAN" two sentences in.
Girl cheated on boyfriend 34 comments
· 7 years ago
People who have the money do. Some people will pay $10,000 for a collectible action figure, some will pay $10,000 for a painting, some will pay $10,000 on parts to restore an old car, some people will pay $10,000 for a pair of limited edition shoes. Lots of people have things they're willing to buy besides food, bills, and shelter, and lots of people have the disposable income to do it.
It's embarrassing to admit it, but I pushed that button without reward for far too long. 3 comments
· 7 years ago
No, that's UNREQUITED love. Love most people feel is more like you have a recipe for cookies that most people like okay, then one day you meet someone who offers you the most amazing cupcake you ever had. So you give them a cookie, and they think it's the best cookie in the whole world. And you each start making your cookies and cupcakes only for each other, and then you start sharing a kitchen and its so great, cause lookit them there in their little chef's hat and apron being so cute. And it's difficult, because one might develop diabetes and can't have sweets or one might gain a little weight and need to cut down, but you hunker down together and tweak your recipes for each other, and eventually you've got your own little private, personalized bakery. And when the world gets shitty that's okay, because when you come home you have a special cupcake made just for you waiting because they know just how much chocolate or raspberry you need.
Girl cheated on boyfriend 34 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, but there's not really a law saying "you're not liable for property damage if there was cheating." You could still be on the hook for the cost and, in some cases, court costs. That's why people on here are always saying "please don't take an ax to his car, that's illegal."
Girls can be difficult 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Girls aren't difficult if you acknowledge they're all completely different people and that there is no hive mind deciding "what girls want" or "what girls like." Sorry, no cheat code or blanket thought process. You gotta start from scratch with each one.
Edited 7 years ago
Girls and guys 13 comments
· 7 years ago
To be fair, a lot of the gap between what's said and what's understood is that women are under the impression the men they're talking to understand subtleties in their language. Since other women usually
understand us perfectly clearly, we say what we mean and expect we've been understood. If we're not understood, we expect there to be a question. When there is no question, we believe what we said was clear enough that there are no questions.
understand us perfectly clearly, we say what we mean and expect we've been understood. If we're not understood, we expect there to be a question. When there is no question, we believe what we said was clear enough that there are no questions.
Jerry seinfeld has a good point 10 comments
· 7 years ago
No, it's not. Lots of people do. It comes from being startled by it. Lots of people are grossed out by them too, and their quick movements make a lot of people uncomfortable. But something making you uncomfortable doesn't count as a phobia. Phobia is an actual, clinical term used to describe fears that a person feels so deeply they rearrange their life around. People with phobias usually need therapy to get over them. A real arachnophobic won't just jump...they'll have a panic attack, possibly faint, maybe get so upset they'll throw up. They may avoid the room they saw the spider in for days, or if it was on a movable piece of furniture may, in extreme cases, throw the furniture away.
There's definitely alien life 30 comments
· 7 years ago
What @willfree said. Lots of hydrogen concentrations, which may signal hydrothermal vents. Here on Earth, while the sea is (relatively) empty in many places, hydrothermal vents are teeming with bacteria and micro organisms that survive in the warmth and feed off chemicals released. Sometimes bigger things like tube worms and shrimp.
Edited 7 years ago
Bomb master race 9 comments
· 7 years ago
It's not really Trump's bomb, the American military's been working on that since 2003. So technically it's Bush's bomb. I guess "Bush Bomb" is harder to take seriously though.
These things really are "out of style?" 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Lots of people still do this. Lots of people don't. It depends on the people, there is no one right way to date. I wouldn't like the first 8 of these, but somebody else might be more formal.
Buzz the Bee is missing 28 comments
· 7 years ago
Yup! They're trying to raise awareness. Don't plant the seeds though, unless you make sure all the species included are safe for your area and there's nothing that will cause problems.
Buzz the Bee is missing 28 comments
· 7 years ago
Some botanists have said that because terrain varies so much across the US you shouldn't plant the seeds. Species good in one place are dangerously invasive and even illegal in others. Your best bet is to go to Home Depot or Lowes or the supermarket and check out the seeds on their racks, they'll sell wildflowers safe for your particular area.
Jerry seinfeld has a good point 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Close...phobia means extreme or irrational fear, not just an everyday discomfort or aversion. Things are classified under "phobia" if they're taken to an extreme, like if it actually affects the way a person lives their life. If you're just scared of spiders to the point where you only jump when you see one then go back to what you were doing once it's gone/squished, you don't have a phobia of spiders.
This soundtrack has been playing at work for months. 8 comments
· 7 years ago
If you have the chromosomes you fit the role fully. That's pretty much it. In the human species your role is either to carry the XX chromosome that allows physically capable females to bear children, or to carry the XY chromosome that allows physically capable men to contribute genetic code to those children. That's it, that's all. There's no gender role for wearing dresses, being a CEO, fixing a car, wearing cargo shorts, buying makeup, etc. Aside from playing a specific part in reproduction, everything else can be done by any fit person no matter what's in your pants. You don't not fit the female gender role if you love sports, you don't not fit the male gender role if you cried after watching Beaches. That's the binary, pretty much everyone fits it except occasional mutations.
Edited 7 years ago
So sick of America's shit 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Turn your TV and radio to content central to your own country then. If nothing going on there is interesting enough for them to cover, how is that our fault?
Bastards! 16 comments
· 7 years ago
"Not Buried Here - Immortal As Of Dawn Of The Cyborg Age in 2030 But Plot Was Prepaid (currently piloting for SpaceX, if returning borrowed money or objects please place in dropbox below to be claimed upon return from Mars)"