The best way to describe it 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Is no-one going to talk about the over the top exhaust?
Suicide 5 comments
· 7 years ago
While you are technically right and this does apply in many countries, it's not as simple as them being arrested for trying to kill themself (in most countries). If you arrest a suicidal person, it's probably going to just make their mental condition worse. Instead you are more likely to be sectioned, forcing you to have to spend time in a mental health institution. However, assisted suicide and suicide pacts are illegal almost everywhere, and if for example one party in the pact survives, they may be tried for manslaughter.
How useful 4 comments
· 7 years ago
But... but don't they prosecute based on either the country you're from of the victim's country of origin?
Edited 7 years ago
Why are there so many ??????????????? 8 comments
Looks like MCR faked their death! 10 comments
· 8 years ago
I cried when I saw this, they better at least do an anniversary Black Parade tour.
When two dumb people argue 15 comments
· 8 years ago
? It's more dense if that's what you mean... unless there's a joke I'm missing out on here.
Undeniable truth about rugby 13 comments
· 8 years ago
As Jeremy Clarkson once said "Rugby is like American Football, only it's played by men."
If phones were cars 4 comments
· 8 years ago
It's to do with increasing the time it takes for the car to come to a stop. It is proven by basic physics, for example Force = Mass * Acceleration. So if you have a car like an old Volvo, a solid brick, it may take you 0.2 seconds to come to a stop. Compare this to newer cars, which use crumple zones a lot and it may take you 0.8 to stop when you crash. This decreases the total force by 75%. As a result, people tend to be safer, even if you may have to replace the bumper or even whole car after relatively small crashes. For older cars, most people tend to think that just because the car's intact and didn't crush your legs, it's safer. In reality, internal bleeding is much more of an issue in cars built like bricks, so the 75% force reduction which I used as an example means your internal organs are moved around much less, making internal bleeding more unlikely and less severe.
Source: Basic physics, learnt it at school - Just google "crumple zones"
Source: Basic physics, learnt it at school - Just google "crumple zones"
How artists usually see their work 10 comments
· 8 years ago
I can draw a good ear from profile view, not so good at the rest of a person's face and the body is always shit.
A chinese middle school student learning English 65 comments
· 8 years ago
Lots of Chinese people have western names when talking to western people, it's much easier for us to say it as Latin languages are nothing like Chinese.
Fan creating some rainbow awesomeness 3 comments
We need more buses like this! (It's in Taiwan btw) 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Where I love they introduced a bus with USB charging, WI-FI, air con (UK buses never have any, but a lot of coaches do) and comfortable seats only a couple of months ago. Even the WI-FI is new in our area, the first bus with it was introduced about 2 years ago.
How amazing is it that it still stands? 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Are you Americn? In the UK there are many buildings older than that. On of my friends even lives in a thatched cottage from the 1750s.
Cop dad, daughter, and black dude 17 comments