Best moment 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Is this a movie or?
Shades activated by the sun 5 comments
Youtubers be like 3 comments
Can't wait. Sometime in this year will happen 13 comments
Police in germany 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Im laughing so much mate I never laughed this much since my depression hit (not a joke)
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh and here is something that you can do research on alot of people dont know that there is two types of muslims sunni that is what I am and that is the right type of muslim then there is shi'a they are the more crazy people they are like hella crazy to the point where they will kill sunni's if the sunni's doesnt believe in god the way they do and they do this almost to all religions if you do not believe in their ways they'll torture you until you and if you dont they'll kill like what ISIS do
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
Once they break the rules then they are not worshipping their god anymore thats how it works
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
And dont tell me because they say they are "mujaahideen" because anyone can say that am I right?
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
So you proved to me that he is muslim well what was your reason you told that to me in the first place?
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
And yes you did misread that the only reason I said that was because it was a law that time and it was illegal not in todays time anymore
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
Thats just my religion times have changed since then there is no prophet to guy my people now what they do is only for god to judge
When you only read the first fifth of the Kuran 215 comments
· 7 years ago
And talking about gay, gay was somewhat illegal and against our religion if they dont abide the law what happens they get killed not like today if someone rapes someone they just get years in jail