One does not simply 10 comments
· 8 years ago
It is, just be confident, don't be too forward, play it cool and you could walk away with her number. Just be chill
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
· 8 years ago
Thanks for answering, zip.
Singer, it's all good, it's just a public forum, everyone has a right to voice their opinion as long as they are not inciting violence.
It's not as if what anyone says on the internet is going to affect how we live and things we have worked on to become happy.
Everyone be chill and be excellent to one another <3
Singer, it's all good, it's just a public forum, everyone has a right to voice their opinion as long as they are not inciting violence.
It's not as if what anyone says on the internet is going to affect how we live and things we have worked on to become happy.
Everyone be chill and be excellent to one another <3
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
· 8 years ago
Interesting, how did they give you your results? Do you normally feel more feminine over masculine? You've never felt dysphoria over being born as you are?
Goodbye, Walmart employee 62 comments
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm actually unsure why people have such a hard time for t peeps. Literally 0.3 percent of the population, our existence doesn't impact anything, unless you're counting tumblr feminists, but you should never pay attention to loud idiots anyways.
Certainly what I have isn't normal, but it's not as if I should be demonised for it. I'm working on being happier with myself and my transition has brought me happiness I never knew.
Who knows, maybe I am mentally ill, but my transition has made me a happier person, a better person and I'm not going to give that up because someone isn't comfortable with someone with a penis dressing and looking like a lady.
Take care <3
Edited 8 years ago
I'm actually unsure why people have such a hard time for t peeps. Literally 0.3 percent of the population, our existence doesn't impact anything, unless you're counting tumblr feminists, but you should never pay attention to loud idiots anyways.
Certainly what I have isn't normal, but it's not as if I should be demonised for it. I'm working on being happier with myself and my transition has brought me happiness I never knew.
Who knows, maybe I am mentally ill, but my transition has made me a happier person, a better person and I'm not going to give that up because someone isn't comfortable with someone with a penis dressing and looking like a lady.
Take care <3
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm trans and Iv been laughing at this hysterically.
I was born a man, and that will never change. I'm just changing my body to feel comfortable because I feel I was robbed of being what I am.
Trans people need a sense of humour to go with their sex change.
I was born a man, and that will never change. I'm just changing my body to feel comfortable because I feel I was robbed of being what I am.
Trans people need a sense of humour to go with their sex change.
I would do anything for Captain Hook 8 comments
Here's How You Build A Hobbit House 4 comments
Totally valid personality test 43 comments
This might cause controversy but... It's pretty XD. Post #2 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I am so god damn sick of having this s*** thrown in my face all the time. Stop pushing Oreos on us, thank you very much!
it's Wednesday 8 comments
I love Jesus but I hate hoes 6 comments
· 8 years ago
How about Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."
I'm guessing she run out of health potions 4 comments
· 8 years ago
There is a scene where she is bathing without it.
So their is two possibilities.
Either she aged because she lost faith in her God, or really bad writing.
So their is two possibilities.
Either she aged because she lost faith in her God, or really bad writing.
Ketchup precome 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Bagel was an actual insult in Ireland at one point.
An unattractive girl would be referred to as a bagel
An unattractive girl would be referred to as a bagel
No need to go outside, ever again 9 comments
This is how my best friend is and I envy her. 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Got this too. Iv been making an effort to put on weight.. I ended up losing more weight