China literally taking away Hong Kong's rights and the media is like 27 comments
· 4 years ago
I have seen some utter horseshit on this site, but this should really get a special prize.
Gal Gadot without makeup 2 comments
Preach the hemp life 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Also, you seriously don't even want to think about eating cotton brownies.
This man has five sons! 14 comments
Truth about "*****s" 11 comments
This man has five sons! 14 comments
102 year old man drove the same car for 82 years 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Upon further research, his name is M. Allen Swift, and he owned this car for 77 years. His daddy bought it for him when he was 26.
World Birth and Death Rates 6 comments
Happy Bosses Day! Just got this from my boss 5 comments
I live in a small white town with one road into it and this house is right at the start 13 comments
· 4 years ago
Why is it that this kind of meme invariably turns out a bunch of whining racists in the comments?
Froggo Fun #190 - I Knew It! 2 comments
STFU 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Telling people to shut up is a perfectly legitimate exercise of the freedom of speech.
True wisdom 49 comments
Differences between days for armed forces 1 comments
If it comes from any verified avenue for information it's fake news 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Not clear on why "boomers" so often gets used as a synonym for Fox News fans.
Inspirational quote in my doctor’s office 7 comments