

Genius inspires resentment. A sad fact of life - Artemis Fowl
My common sense is tingling- Deadpool

— Deadpool Report User
Saying 'you should exercise' is now a huge crime 21 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Granted, promoting an unhealthy lifestyle isnt a good idea, BUT at the same time, there are ways to tell someone how to lose weight without being an anal nutbag. Like inboxing them so you dont humiliate them. Because thats not going to help, they'll just retaliate. This guy obviously just wanted a chance to share his opinion and be edgy.
· Edited 7 years ago
It's almost like you already know the answer 8 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
"Maybe she is the a illuminati"
How injustice looks like 10 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
This is injustice. Thats just the difference between someone who works out and someone who doesnt.
the pride march had flaws which should never be repeated ever ahain 64 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Children should also not be allowed to watch television, especially music videos.
Had to be said 11 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
This whole thing is weird and messed up and probably the worst advice Ive seen in a long time. Firstly, i highly doubt its love that you're feeling, thats something that builds after youre actually in a relationship. So anyone just telling someone that they love them is just plain creepy. Secondly, if you have feelings for someone, tell them as soon as possible instead of being a cuntflap pretending to be their friend when you actually have ulterior motives. Unless its a total stranger, then you'd need to get to know them first. I told my girlfriend that I was attracted to her 2 weeks into meeting her. We only started dating 3 months later, because we needed to see if we were compatible first. The whole shit about the waiting game and sexual tension is crap because you'll end up with one of those fedora tipping nice guys who whine about being friend zoned.
Badass mother 7 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Greatest of all time.
The Cast of Thor Ragnarok compared to their Comic Book counterparts 9 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Hel is a realm, Hela is the goddess.
The Cast of Thor Ragnarok compared to their Comic Book counterparts 9 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Daughter of Loki but imo infinitely more powerful than him. She's basically the ruler of the realm that the dead who arent worthy of valhalla go to. She basically has a combination of asgardian and Jotunheim abilities due to her parentage, along with a lot of magical abilities. Not the smartest, but very dangerous.
The Cast of Thor Ragnarok compared to their Comic Book counterparts 9 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
More accurate comparison for hulk, since the movie is basing him off Planet Hulk. That image is World War Hulk.
Nice strength feats 4 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Obvs. He has the proportionate strength of a spider. Literally super strong. And his abilities evolve, so he gets stronger.
Little known facts 17 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Alright, but we haven't exactly had an immortal convict to determine how a life sentence would work for said individual.
Little known facts 17 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
No. Deadpool has a healing factor and secondary mutations. He doesnt
Little known facts 17 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Remember, his ONLY power is immortality. Get imprisoned for life? Thats forever. Lose a limb? Forever. Contract an incurable disease? Forever. Poor? Forever.
She ask for creativity and gave her creativity 8 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Creativity doesnt mean it has to be implausible. A story can be both plausible and creative.
The sad truth 14 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
This is so cringey ugh.
The sad truth 14 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
In all star he was hyper powered thus his intellect was hyper powered too. It also happens to be a non-canon storyline. I do love the fact that he dies at the end though.
I dislike him as a person. But I respect him as a husband. A good husband 13 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
I dont understand why we're hyping him for doing things that any man should be doing for his wife.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Lmao does your ass get jealous of all your kak praat? South Africans KnOW their leaders are corrupt, but the fact that theyd rather let a corrupt black person rule rather than let a white person back into power says a lot about how white people fucked up the country. And no, they're caught up in trying to get back what is righfully theirs so they can progress with their lives instead of being at a disadvantage. A disadvantage caused by white people. It doesnt help that white people have taken the grace granted to them, because not a single one was punished for their apartheid crimes, and used it to brand themselves victims and cry racism every time a PoC asks for what is in actual fact rightfully theirs.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
And its not just a few instances.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
LMAO a white person calling a POC racist for stating the facts? Thats fresh. Look dumbass, whatever i stated was specific to South Africa. And it is an actual fact that white people are responsible for the majority of the inequality in south africa, pick up a history book, maybe you'll learn something. And I'm sorry but physically and mentally torturing someone by forcing them into a coffin containing a live snake and then setting it on fire isnt percieved racist action. Unless youve ever been in a position of being disadvantaged, you'd never understand their reasons for protesting. The fear of going back into a state of oppression (by white people mind you ) is enough to cause them to fight against it. Apartheid was caused by white people. The land redistribution that caused 100s of 1000s of natives to lose their land? White people. The countrys natural resources being stripped? Also white people. Forcing the natives to learn in a language they dont understand? White people again.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Fact of the matter is, white people ARE responsible for the inequality in south africa and every single year they show us more and more how racist they can be. The last call to violence as you call it only happened after the video of two white farmers forcing a farm hand into a coffin with a snake and fire went viral.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Biiitch please. All you have are conspiracy theories. The Guptas have enough influence not to need to kill anyone. Helen Zille, that snake, would be more likely to do something like that.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Yes i am, and was the top history student for 3 years straight.
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
The south african government isnt even nearly as advanced enough to pull off crap like that
President of south Africa 47 comments
deadpool007 · 7 years ago
Give me even one example of it happening? Youre so full of crap lmao