It’s that time of year again, gentlemen 1 comments
· 1 week ago
Sincerely love this picture. Might put it up in my office.
I wonder how much this cost him… 1 comments
Red rocket 1 comments
· 1 week ago
Don't look this up - OP wrote a story clarifying this and just wants page views
My wife seriously thought I wouldn't be able to find the stud. Jokes on her 1 comments
· 1 week ago
I mean, one of the points of either popcorn or orange-peel ceilings is to hide imperfections. Go back and fill those minor holes with any of the dozen options available for specifically small holes in wall/ceiling. I imagine this was posted for laughs but it should be a side-by-side; one with installed item and holes and one after holes are filled. As-is, it looks like either actual incompetence (given the obvious nature of the fix) or weaponized incompetence.
Telling Eel 1 comments
· 1 week ago
Not sure which country this is, but from my experience in USA, the issue isn't the 15 hours. It's that those 15 hours aren't scheduled in a consistent way. Working three 15 hour/week jobs would be irritating enough but each job wants the ability to schedule those hours whenever. It's the stupidest thing that part time work effectively defaults to limited swing shifts.
My buddy does his impersonation of Andrew Mayes' pied starling 2 comments
· 1 week ago
The facial lines are not overall a terrible match, but the eyes are open too widely.
Things were a little different back then 1 comments
· 1 week ago
Willful suspension of disbelief looks different to different generations because of tech trends and capabilities.
Circumstantial mind-boggling pale 1 comments
"it doesnt smell guys" 1 comments
· 6 weeks ago
I am having the best time imagining what led to an adult drawing pictures as a note. Truly hilarious!
Huh 1 comments
· 7 weeks ago
You know how they say there are no ugly people, only poor people? He is definitely proof of the caveat that no amount of money can make you cool
Edited 7 weeks ago
Biden being helped up after falling at the US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony 1 comments
· 7 weeks ago
So tired but he served his country when there was no one else. A great patriot.
Living *****s 1 comments
Donald Trump is now selling $60 'God Bless the USA' Bibles ahead of Easter 2 comments
· 7 weeks ago
His grift is tapping into people who want to believe that with no questions or pushback, yeah.
Married aspiring descriptive 1 comments
· 7 weeks ago
I like the story concept of a world where you must go to Register One to get 50% off, then show Register Two your receipt for a full refund, except no refund on taxes. If you instead go to Register Three for a refund, you only get half of your refund (25% cost of the item) but it's full refund including the taxes.
Now you know 2 comments
· 7 weeks ago
Everyone knew he wasn't lying. People who own farms that are overrun by wild hogs regularly can have death assisters, fine. The debate he deliberately waded into *with an edge case that we can legislate around* was: whether the US should continue to actively cultivate easy ways for noncombatants to be mowed down. No one is unhappy he's an edge case, and no one argued he was making stuff up. None of that. It's even fair that he brought up his unusual circumstance. The problem was always that it was used as a diversion and justification for the US's gun law status quo.
Look: on that matter - Nations we would like to compare ourselves don't have our stats. Our little gun club and murdered children ratio puts the US in a way different group of countries. Even if they weren't the case, I feel like "let's work much harder on children not have to plan to be killed" shouldn't be controversial. The hog guy should be lobbying for an exception/circumstantial solution within very strict gun laws.
Look: on that matter - Nations we would like to compare ourselves don't have our stats. Our little gun club and murdered children ratio puts the US in a way different group of countries. Even if they weren't the case, I feel like "let's work much harder on children not have to plan to be killed" shouldn't be controversial. The hog guy should be lobbying for an exception/circumstantial solution within very strict gun laws.
Luckless extraordinary spattered 1 comments
· 9 weeks ago
I mean, if OP is envious of joy: here is the exact permission to seek your own. Maybe it's crocheting, maybe it's roller derby. Look, your partner seeks and appreciates joy. Fantastic! Take a leaf from his book and do the same. Envy is a signpost to a different thing. Get on the road it's pointing to.
Cruel few every 1 comments
Emissary unique bolder 1 comments
· 12 weeks ago
I mean - when you decided half the world population doesn't need to play your game, you've sort of painted yourself into a corner gatekeeping-wise. It's a weird state of mind. Of course he hated players - he had very specific type(s) of players he planned for and at least initially wasn't interested in considering all humanity as the possible fan base. I would expect attempts by the fan base to expand on a playable world would be met by *at best* a tempered enthusiasm. The response potentially based on criteria about the players's worthiness to comment that is living in this guy's head. It would tend to make his responses weird is what I'm saying.
Military medley babyish 1 comments
Damaged avaricious unsteady 3 comments
· 13 weeks ago
It is annoying anyone else that he didn't line up the boat with the painting? Maybe that is purposeful, too.
Indomitable AmongUs 7 comments
· 14 weeks ago
Did you know??? (I actually just learned this!!) Pockets in long skirts used to be detached. Really enormous pockets would be on each hip and tie around the waist with string. Then the skirt would go on but it wasn't a solid piece at the top with a manufactured fastener like we're used to. Instead it was solid at the bottom but the waist part didn't join together at the front and the back until 1/3 of the way down. You tied the back part on, then the front part on, and the front part covered over the back part.. So it looked solid but it had these big slits where you could reach in and access the pockets you'd already tied on. You could have a whole lunch in there or snacks or money or whatever really. So so cool.
Indomitable AmongUs 7 comments
· 14 weeks ago
Personal antidote: I was one day (shortly after finishing the series) building stuff with wood and also doing some hedge pruning. I LONGED for my own little bucket. Then I remembered about side tool belts and it was one of those moments when your life and the great stream of all who have come before gloriously collide. I bought one immediately and threaded an old purse strap in it, then enjoyed having all my tools handy while I thought about all the girls and ladies who have carried what they needed in a multitude of conveyances.
Indomitable AmongUs 7 comments
· 14 weeks ago
I must heartily recommend "The Mysterious Benedict Society" if you can watch it (Disney). Female child character carries a bucket around her waist to hold all the stuff she needs to mechanic the world around her. It's really fantastic! The closest analog for the show is A Series of Unfortunate Events (it's an ensemble cast of children, not one MC) but if they had been interacting with VFD instead of Olaf.
Edited 14 weeks ago