

— debbidownr Report User
Heh. Yup 24 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
When you comin’ home son? I don’t know when.
And no video games involved here 1 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
We need less violins on television!
What do you do when people sing at you? 13 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
You don’t have to make a “good” response to Happy Birthday singing. It’s not a quiz. What I do when this happens to me is make eye contact and say thank you once to the whole group or the person responsible while the song was happening. At that point my responsibility is ended until the song does; then I need to redirect the group to cake/ice cream/beer/whatever they brought out while they were singing. If there was nothing, I would wait until the singing ended, then say That was awesome, guys! Thanks! And move on to another topic or activity.
Look, the purpose of a group Birthday Song is bonding. They perform thoughtfulness and happiness to celebrate a moment of specialness for me; I perform appreciation for that and happiness to know them. Just a social ritual to encourage bonding and shared experiences. Good stuff!
1 · Edited 5 years ago
What do you do when people sing at you? 13 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Make both hands pointer fingers, incline your head down slightly, then alternate raising and lowering your pointer fingers. First do it on the left side of your body, then your right, and repeat. You can also do middle.
It looks like you’re doing a little dance, very understated, but basking in their deserved primary focus of celebrating you.
What it *really* looks like is like you found something to do/a way to participate during the song, which is very fantastic and people will think you’re awesome. Based on if you have a friendly/ accommodating/dramatic personality, or not, is how big to make the motions, and what to do with your face.
Also, you can do this with a completely bored face. That should cut down on it occurring again, because it looks like you’re politely performing interest in the face of something 100% uninteresting.
This works better than conducting the singing, which feels wrong for several reasons, and which deters no one from future recurrence.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
You're wrong kiddo 7 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
WTH. If this is a real sign on a real wall, this legally constitutes harassment. I’m not a side character or a sex object to be discussed in the third person in my presence. I just - no. No, no, no, no, no. NO. NOT COOL.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Not what I thought I would find 7 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Is this the standard operating procedure for the company? Was s/he looking for a reason not to hire the candidate? Is the candidate going to be in a super sensitive position or company in relation to PR? OP “tried” a Google search of his face. Doesn't sound like this is something s/he does regularly so possibly s/he’s setting different bars for candidates.
Even if it’s standard procedure, it’s a little concerning that s/he would posted publicly. S/he stripped out identifying info (yes, good) but this could cause issues. It’s not a good match for company so focused on perception to have that type of person making decisions.
I think s/he’s is not following standard procedure. Here’s the thing: there are laws and regulations for this stuff. I hope this person is running decisions by someone else, and has oversight. Unless s/he’s a one-person show or at a very tiny company, this potentially provides a way worse picture of the OP than the candidate.
· Edited 5 years ago
Japanese AI bot 3 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
But also! Reality is both incredibly beautiful and depressing. Like, part of understanding the world accurately is developing a baseline of depression from seeing it clearly.
4 · Edited 5 years ago
These old binoculars look like Wall-E 2 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Oh! I didn’t know that!
Equality 8 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I think we have different responses because we take from it different things based on our perspective. I’m not arguing with your characterization, but I’m also definitely NOT missing the point. I got it. That’s why I pushed back in the first place.
I’m saying the point is inapplicable and self-serving within the context of US landscape.
Others have kindly pointed out that this perspective is not correct for almost all of the world (you know, outside US), and thus is dismissive. But you seem to also be in US so I responded.
Mobile letter boxes 8 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Uhm, Donald Trump (US) and Boris Johnson (UK). My complaint is that their poor manners and self-focus seem to ensure the news cycle stays attending to them making messes, mopping up messes, or other drama. It’s just tiring.
I would like NOT to have news stories about how the prime minister ‘doesn’t apologize’ for saying something wholly unnecessary or how the president spent time on a tweet giving his personal opinion on another individual.
Could y’all PLEASE do the job you were hired for with some approximation of acceptable adult work behavior.
Playing on an european server 3 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Mobile letter boxes 8 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Great. Now we have TWO English speaking leaders whose coverage largely consists of their pathetic excuse for adult behavior. I *just* want leadership who focuses on the job they’re paid to do with appreciation for the country, intelligence and everyday civility. Like, it’s the lowest of bars after clearing truly unacceptable leadership. And now we have TWO people who clearly struggle with it.
Absurd 2 2 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
My favorite part is the five fingers attached to her arm.
Playing on an european server 3 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I don’t get it. Help, pls?
Helping a brother out 5 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Because ‘why the hell not?’ needs a deadline. Either she’s interested in him or she’s bored in general. Either way, gotta move things along.
16 · Edited 5 years ago
Would love to work for him!! 11 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Rock ON, guest. Much appreciation!
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Imagine 4 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
“Imagine the company you have a contract with goes out of business and Boom you’re not a model anymore.”
Hating an online version of hustling or making money is stupid. If an analog/real world/offline equivalent doesn’t net the same derision, you’re just being bratty about technology.
Equality 8 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Okay, but: maybe what you say is ignorant and you are being called on it. Complaining that someone has a different perspective - which they attempted to explain - is maybe not the best look.
She's alright 3 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Yikes. Don’t smile, doofus!
Would love to work for him!! 11 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Ok - why is HR monitoring performance? That’s a supervisor’s job. If HR is managing the secretary, it’s possible, I guess. But still odd!
What performance metrics does the secretary have? Why use such an antiquated term, anyway? Admin, Office Manager, plenty of other titles that don’t bring to mind typewriters.
Yes, support your people. Certainly, be transparent in staffing decisions. Definitely if there is a poor fit, correct it. Still and nonetheless: This post has some odd elements.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Bees trees seas 6 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Help Plant Clean
It's the truth! 7 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
“You seem to be upset. While this is an unfortunate reaction and is in no way a reflection on me, I will be patient with it.”
Know your place you trash 15 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Cool! I mean it’s “not important” in relation to differences in opportunity, not self-identity. The term ‘white’ encompasses a lot of places of ancestry. If outside the perspective of US or similar (historical and statistical evidence of disparate treatment) then it’s fair to say not being able to tell Thai from Mongolian is equal to not being able to tell Italian from Celt or Swede. But inside the US? It’s often a back door to bad faith action and outright denial of reality. Not always. But often enough that it’s of a piece with racism to see non-white people as an indistinguishable monolith
· Edited 5 years ago
Know your place you trash 15 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
As it happens, I’m fourth generation American with one set of great grandparents. However, I have ancestors who fought in the American Revolution, and all but two U.S. wars since then. Therefore, I don’t see myself as a fourth generation American.
Your argument stands. I don’t know if OP is American or another country. From a unique American perspective, origin of European ancestory is not important. From the perspective of Europeans, I’m wrong. I didn’t mean to cause offense or belittle other perspectives. I’m aware of but often struggle with a highly US-centric perspective, and I’m sorry if that caused me to be dismissive and blinkered. I appreciate the feedback!
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Powah up! 5 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Sir. SIR.
· Edited 5 years ago