Even the climate is cool 2 comments
Sir please turn that off, I’m trying to quietly have social anxiety over here 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Yes!!! I would hate this too!!! Commuters all around the world gather to silently hate.
Malcolm in the middle 7 comments
Curse these entitlement schemes 32 comments
· 5 years ago
Look - here’s an example of why you’re wrong. Do you think free public education just *happened*? It did not. Once the decision was made to have a democracy, free public education for all became a requirement. It was a deliberate decision by the people who wrote the Constitution to provide it. It was NOT welfare or charity; it was strictly a matter of ensuring the survival of a functioning democracy. It’s more in keeping with the Constitution’s intent to consider projects that keep democracy functioning, than it will ever be to shut that type of consideration down.
Limiting the government to strictly administrative matters as you suggest is not the way it was initially envisioned. Such thinking also oversimplifies how government interacts with daily life at this time.
Edited 5 years ago
Limiting the government to strictly administrative matters as you suggest is not the way it was initially envisioned. Such thinking also oversimplifies how government interacts with daily life at this time.
Curse these entitlement schemes 32 comments
· 5 years ago
Exactly. It’s not about “free”. It’s about resource allocation. I’m all for allocating resources to ensure well educated and productive adults. That includes: Headstart (pre-school programs), counseling and drug therapy, superior education, rehabilitation, welfare as needed for non-retired adults, appropriate provision for the disabled and elderly, good infrastructure, a living wage, and healthcare when needed. I am for all programs that secure the public good. I think complaints about “free” are a nonsensical attempt by the deliberately incompetent to control things they can’t otherwise have. I see it as a power grab, not a principled stance.
Edited 5 years ago
80% Of you people on here lately 20 comments
· 5 years ago
Attempts to change and grow versus attempts to keep people from doing that.
List four advantages of breast milk 2 comments
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
I wasn’t meaning you were being threatening just that on second reading they might be reacting to me as if this was something they were mindful of, because they don’t know where it’s coming from and might think there’s more (so push back hard).No stress, as you say, and you rock!
Edited 5 years ago
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
@guest_ It was honorable and awesome of you to step in, of course! Mad props to you for that and in general. You always have lovely things to say.
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
It’s an affirmation of your humanity, not an attack on it. I apologize if someone felt threatened as if they might have to leave. That didn’t occur to me as a feeling someone might have.
That doesn’t change my point, and doesn’t make me responsible for or responsive to your reaction. Still, I did want to stop by to say any threat against access you may have felt was entirely unintentional.
That doesn’t change my point, and doesn’t make me responsible for or responsive to your reaction. Still, I did want to stop by to say any threat against access you may have felt was entirely unintentional.
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
But it’s consistent with my intellectual philosophy that I do not believe calling out shortfalls in thinking requires me to hope you accept what I say. It’s not incumbent on me to say it *just right* and with enough emotional pleading. If it’s a true point, take it and move on. I cannot be responsible for saying just the right thing to help you see things. I can only be responsible for seeing the world as clearly as possible and speaking for that.
In responses, I haven’t argued about whether my thinking is correct in this case. I haven’t and won’t argue here about anyone continuing with thinking I consider lazy.
I argue for my thoughts because I think they are accurate and life-giving. I didn’t feel attacked initially. I don’t feel attacked now. I feel exactly what I said: I believe anyone who thinks through or reads about how using this word is problematic will logically stop using it. From my perspective, this is work you should already have done. (Cont)
In responses, I haven’t argued about whether my thinking is correct in this case. I haven’t and won’t argue here about anyone continuing with thinking I consider lazy.
I argue for my thoughts because I think they are accurate and life-giving. I didn’t feel attacked initially. I don’t feel attacked now. I feel exactly what I said: I believe anyone who thinks through or reads about how using this word is problematic will logically stop using it. From my perspective, this is work you should already have done. (Cont)
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
Just dropping in to say this: I do not feel targeted. If I did, I would say so. Words are the only thing we have to bridge the vast and dark chasm surrounding each of us.
(I am annoyed about a putdown I think people should realize somewhere between age 14 - 27 is deliberately exclusionary/dismissive and stop using. That’s it.)
I don’t want and wouldn’t suggest anyone have privileges on this site revoked or censured based on this. It’s not fair to hold that threat over someone. It didn’t occur to me someone might feel that. I’m sorry if you did.
I do think y’all were lazy in your previous thinking and now are being lazy in your response to being called on it. But! That assumes you are NOT evil, bad or mean. You’re upset because you see yourself as a good person. That’s lovely. Same.
In response to a belief that I need to politely and gently request better thinking: no. If I were making a request to ‘be nice’, yes, I would have been much more gentle. (Cont)
(I am annoyed about a putdown I think people should realize somewhere between age 14 - 27 is deliberately exclusionary/dismissive and stop using. That’s it.)
I don’t want and wouldn’t suggest anyone have privileges on this site revoked or censured based on this. It’s not fair to hold that threat over someone. It didn’t occur to me someone might feel that. I’m sorry if you did.
I do think y’all were lazy in your previous thinking and now are being lazy in your response to being called on it. But! That assumes you are NOT evil, bad or mean. You’re upset because you see yourself as a good person. That’s lovely. Same.
In response to a belief that I need to politely and gently request better thinking: no. If I were making a request to ‘be nice’, yes, I would have been much more gentle. (Cont)
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
Either you get something is problematic or you don’t. Your refusal to think is definitely a YOU problem. You might have a “snowflake” issue, although I think that’s a little rough, since I see you as lazy instead of helplessly fragile. Nonetheless, your inability to think is not a cause for me to stop doing so. Deal with it.
Edited 5 years ago
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
@unklethan If the term is derogatory to one gender, avoid it. It doesn’t have to do with characterizing people as you describe, it has to do with gendered name calling. It’s dismissive to only one particular group. Not good. Saying someone is ‘a riot’ (funny) or ‘a chip off the ole block’ (similar to a parent, almost always used for a son about their father, but not specifically gendered and also not derogatory in intent) is not dismissive. It’s not making someone non-human and part of a group that’s less than. I’m a woman. I’m proud to be a woman. I’m proud to be human. I don’t like gendered namecalling, which I know because I’ve had several chances to consider it. Thus, I have a specific response to it.
However, ethnic or any group namecalling is not cool either. Any shoving of someone into a box to be dismissed is an opportunity for them to be treated poorly and more especially to feel shut down or shut out! It’s not great. It’s not necessary. Don’t.
Edited 5 years ago
However, ethnic or any group namecalling is not cool either. Any shoving of someone into a box to be dismissed is an opportunity for them to be treated poorly and more especially to feel shut down or shut out! It’s not great. It’s not necessary. Don’t.
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
· 5 years ago
@thatguyyouknow “She” is not a putdown. “Bitch” is a putdown. It’s dehumanizing (literally, it’s not a term for humans) and specifically gendered as a putdown for women. Stop using it.
Gently, in the wind 2 comments
Programmers are just professional googlers 2 comments
· 5 years ago
The most irritating thing? When the question is answered for an OLD VERSION and the instructions don’t work on the current one!
On the bright side, when you finally figure it out, you can post the answer.
On the bright side, when you finally figure it out, you can post the answer.
Every idea is welcome 22 comments
· 5 years ago
This is a focusing trick and it works when feeling overwhelmed for any reason. I was told it always works. So far, it has for me.
1. Hold your breath. (Not “deep calming breaths”. Stop breathing.)
2. After about 20 seconds, your brain will shift its focus to ‘what-the-hell-stop-that!’ Hold it as long as you possibly can.
3. Breathe in, breathe out.
4. (Optional) Hold your breath again if you need to. If it helps, time it, but hold your breath until you absolutely can’t anymore. Breathe in, breathe out.
5. You should feel at least slightly better, if not fully better. So, jump into (or slowly start, whatever works for you) whatever needs to be done.
Edited 5 years ago
1. Hold your breath. (Not “deep calming breaths”. Stop breathing.)
2. After about 20 seconds, your brain will shift its focus to ‘what-the-hell-stop-that!’ Hold it as long as you possibly can.
3. Breathe in, breathe out.
4. (Optional) Hold your breath again if you need to. If it helps, time it, but hold your breath until you absolutely can’t anymore. Breathe in, breathe out.
5. You should feel at least slightly better, if not fully better. So, jump into (or slowly start, whatever works for you) whatever needs to be done.
Welp, Can't deny the Church 57 comments
This is a basic intro to gender perspectives “debate”. You can see the end from the beginning, and it’s very uninteresting. Unless you didn’t realize both women and men feel *exactly* the same about this? That would be interesting.
But otherwise, no; pointless. No one changes their mind going at it this way. All the data in the world won’t help because it’s beside the point. It’s always just a useless waste of breath because this idea framed from any direction doesn’t bring people closer or enhance anyone’s perspective. It serves no purpose except frustration.
(Unless you’re like me, where I passed frustration years ago but want to help people avoid an unnecessary stumbling block.)