

— debbidownr Report User
Genius 12 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
“Go commit not alive”!!!!!! That is my new favorite phrase.
Smile of a contented man 2 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Mitch McConnell has to be the world all-time champion of feet dragging. If we could point to only one reason on Capitol Hill things are a mess, I’m pretty sure he’d win.
It gets a lot worse 14 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I was hoping this was fake or unrelated, but it was widely reported. From mirror (in the UK);
Mr Winstanley...was held at gunpoint during a robbery in May last year.
The inquest was told how his fragile mental state further deteriorated following the sacking until his eventual death sometime between February 11 and February 13 - nine months after the gunpoint incident.
Speaking after the hearing at Blackpool Town Hall, his devastated step-daughter Siobhan Winstanley, 28, told how she had written to Tesco about her father’s death but was told the matter was closed.
She said: “It is very raw and very difficult for us to come to terms with.
“He was of the very strong opinion that [suicide] was a selfish thing to do, so obviously it’s not something he would have done lightly, knowing he had children.
Yup, I hope it doesn't lay eggs 4 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I feel like a plastic surgeon who participated in this would risk being disbarred (or whatever it’s called) but I can’t deny she looks super happy. You go, lady.
Hrrrmmmmm 10 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
It’s to minimize wrinkles and avoid looking stupid. Taking on an adult baby in exchange for money/ security/ whatever requires obviously intelligence and being quick on your feet, but it also requires a certain amount of self-hate or previous grooming to center yourself on someone else’s opinion. Thus having a consistent look that’s above reproach would be something she would have figured out a long time ago.
(The examples I can provide from her work managing him are of course depressing to me personally but I see the skill involved. This type of alliance is kind of like a nanny gig? Except more volcanic. It’s similar but different. No hate or shade at anyone who chooses it.
All shade naturally at someone who has chosen to be managed over being useful, but I have highly limited personal experience with this type of male so I just try to ignore famous ones since I don’t know anyone this useless myself.)
Not so funny now, is it Mr. Satan? 6 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Sure - just take away the feeling of orgasm without removing anything else. Or could also make at least one time randomly humiliating (which can be done in several ways with very limited effort).
For people who center sex strictly on themselves, it would be crushing. Sounds like a self-generated hell to me, very efficient for Satan. Let’s go.
People meat? 4 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
That annoyed me so much!! What the heck. Just say “Soylent Green is MADE OF people.” It’s two extra words.
I know the point is he shouts in a people-filled void and it means nothing, but he ought to earn it! Not fail to make his point by being ungrammatical!! Gah
Team disappointed 5 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
The goal at that point was to get revenge, which she did. Later, she killed the Night King. Once things were settled (and after she’d enjoyed time with her family) she left for many epic adventures.
She didn’t become supreme ruler but that wasn’t a goal of hers.
Idk, I think the no-name thing ended up very fruitful for her. To me, it goes real well with the concept that if you pursue your interests with passion and determination they will take you places you want to go.
You see Johnny, despite her hair cut Karen doesn’t know everything 6 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Hopefully she would say ‘woman’ or ‘lady’ instead of the degraded word ‘bitch’.
so cool 10 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I’m pretty sure rachee is joking, scumjada.
so cool 10 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
No, Columbus didn’t think the earth was round. Like most educated people, he knew it was. The stories they tell in school are very limited and follow a particular narrative that was dominant at one point.
*Political tweeting intensifies* 16 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
@dcottingham Ok, US-centric opinion: US and EU have the will and ability to be at a much lower percent. To use a tired phrase, US and EU are “developed” in the sense that we’ve been at this for a long time, whereas India and China are still getting to where US and EU have been. And why? Because US and EU spent a lot of effort and time holding many countries back. India and China both have amazing individuals and advances in every area. Just they were (and are) messed with.
(Side note!: This preaching about reducing emissions sounds like the same nonsense as US scolding China over IP while ignoring our own history of rampant IP theft. Could China do better? Sure. Do we have the moral high ground over IP or resource use? 100% Nope!)
US and EU can and should cut emissions. Period. China and India should cut emissions in balance with other priorities.
· Edited 5 years ago
The best solution 1 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Accept personal responsibility versus blame others until you feel vindicated
Mission trips IRL 2 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
*mission kids trying to do good works but relatively clueless
4 · Edited 5 years ago
Hahahahaha, until now they yelled in all directions that trans should have equal rights 13 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
This title is like, the mostly weirdly and badly directed schagenkfreud. Who is “they”? Everyone who’s not the reddit op? So weird.
What’s up dog 6 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I....don’t burn expensive underwear. That’s - just...yikes to that comment.
Anyway, he and you indicate you see her “attitude” as “shitty” as opposed to a legitimate response. To me, the whole thing reads like a bit (short formulaic comedy skit). There’s no proof it’s even real as opposed to a joke post. It’s funnier than the original joke if you read it that way.
Regardless, the response grim reaper and you had was that she should just react in a positive or neutral way; there’s no acknowledgement that she gets to steer the conversation and say whatever she wants. But the whole thing is contingent on him doing exactly that. If it is real, maybe she’s just tired of f*ckbois and he got crossfire from the frustration. Either way, he seems unruffled or accepting of her getting to steer the conversation. To me, it seems like grim reaper is not giving this female the same leeway.
Look, fair. I see my perspective and yours - and stand down.
God no 7 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Ohhhh noooooo.
The honorable member 10 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I like it; says he belongs instead of is allowed on sufferance
· Edited 5 years ago
What’s up dog 6 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
What was she supposed to say? Sometimes you try a collaborative joke and the other person doesn’t want to. Why is his making the joke more important than her refusal? She didn’t ask for a ticket to lame-o-ville.
If you try a tired joke, and it doesn’t work, you don’t get to complain. He also DIDN’T complain, he completed the joke. So you’re what? complaining on his behalf? Why would you do that? Unnecessary.
If you read it where they both have equal footing, you might have found it funny. But since you don’t think she’s equal, you got offended and called names. ....Good call. Super interesting and helpful to everyone. Definitely makes you look awesome.
A good man 3 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Where did the residents live in the meantime? If it was surprise, they must have thought they had to find new homes.
Curse these entitlement schemes 32 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
@willfree So much respect for your awesome thoughts! Not to be annoying in adding, but just I absolutely have to acknowledge words I have so much appreciation for. So fantastic.
Let's hear from the experts in the comments...Lol 13 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
A fully engaged response to this statement is at minimum four long paragraphs covering at least two different areas. Which is exactly my point! Look, much love and good vibes to you. I don’t disagree that this looks tempting, but it’s not productive. Just consider how you feel about my response to know that’s true! (Real talk? I think this is because this quote does such an amazingly poor framing job that it skews/ruins any discussion before it starts.) There are gender-related debates that generate genuine understanding. This isn’t one of them.
· Edited 5 years ago
Which one is it? 6 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
Can you explain this joke?
I’m sorry; I’m in the USA, so I only think of Osama bin Laden and ex-President Barack Obama. That’s obviously wrong, though, because Obama bin Laden would be a different person. (My internet of course points me to Osama bin Laden.) Obamacare is a thing in the US but it’s already the last name of person it’s named after. So I’m just confused.
· Edited 5 years ago
Please pray for me my fellow gers 5 comments
debbidownr · 5 years ago
I’m so sorry. That sucks