

— debbidownr Report User
As if 3 comments
debbidownr · 3 years ago
I think also it's fair to say "experience" instead of "ability". People with highly limited knowledge of executing against something are bad at it, and don't know they are bad at it.
Related tangent? I heard someone (different context) break down the problem this way, talking about surgery skills - Step 1: high confidence, low competence. Step 2: low confidence, low competence. Step 3: higher competence, low confidence Step 4: high competence, high confidence. That is the proficiency curve.
The Dunning-Krueger effect has clarified so many things to me since Iearned about it. I'm grateful for it. Thanks for the post.
forg 5 comments
debbidownr · 3 years ago
Oh look, it's every US election recently.
People just aren't all that interresting. 2 comments
debbidownr · 3 years ago
It's not about whether people are interesting. It's just how it is with ADD. I feel vv seen by the post and not so much by the title. The less time spent coming up with a narrative relating to people for what is going on when your natural state is checked out, the better. If the person who made this post is neurotypical, good on you but you're not catching the full picture.
Aww shit! 3 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Yeah, new variant of virus dropped just as the new year came. I feel like that was our only spoiler warning for how 2021 will be.
How u like this? 3 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
OOF got her 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Also? Not a good comeback, bro. So no, no murder
Just the empty hole where your brain should be.
OOF got her 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Ohh my word
The expectation that this woman will spend time and emotional labor interacting with men who are proud of trolling - it's just too real. Sending sad but heartfelt vibes her way. Maybe one day it won't be seen as automatically a woman's job to engage with P.O.S. to the point that morons blow right past the effort and audacity to post what they *label* as clever. It's like being attacked by lilliputians all the time, I swear. It's such a lovely dream that one day humanity will grow tf up.
· Edited 4 years ago
Don't be upset before you've seen it 5 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
She was great in 'Fighting with My Family'. She was dark haired in it, also.
"100,000 have recovered from coronavirus!" 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
No, you are definitely NOT the only one! Ffs
Am I doing Christmas right? 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
1,000% YES
200?? Not bad 4 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
I mean, do the taxes any old way and leave. IRS won't come looking for you; punkass john deserves the audit
Best revenge I'd say 14 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Say it with me: Revenge porn is illegal.
Too spoon 4 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
He said he liked people who didn't get captured; an early example of his type of reality-bending foolishness. His entire personality is why he was excluded as a guest at John McCain's funeral, but such statements make it difficult to be patient - or encourage others to be patient - with his self-indulgent stupidity.
Too spoon 4 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Yes, cool, but I believe this is a callback to when Trump attacked John McCain because he had been a POW. (Trump himself dodged the draft.)
Look how proud my wife looks of her homemade garlic breadsticks 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Awesome! Love that dress, also.
This is so true that it’s actually true 6 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Nope. I am Gen X and pro-vaxx. All my friends my age are pro-vaxx. We're mostly just baffled about it.
Look, Think of Gen Xers as being in permeant passive very quiet crisis. We wanted a nice world. It isn't. We fight internal apathetic anxiety, not science.
Cheap melodic guiltless Louse 6 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
And of course the idea that all female actions are centered entirely on male sexual reaction - and that females moreover are 100% responsible to guess and plan for this - is rape culture. It's about the grossness of teaching a 10 year old girl to plan for feelings she doesn't have yet. It's about teaching females they have no full right to their minds or bodies because strangers' thoughts have more importance to their lives than their own thoughts. It's gross. It's rape culture.
12 · Edited 4 years ago
Cheap melodic guiltless Louse 6 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Also, buddy - females buy the clothes that are for sale.
Book 1 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Apparently we did a long time ago (St Augustine time) only read out loud, not silently to ourselves

Now we have internal monologue for actions and reading.
Does this make me a bad person 3 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Yes, it does.
My Gummy bears melted :( 5 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Get peach rings. They don't melt but are still gummy. Can switch back when it's cooler.
Excited moaning Oryx 4 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Annoying Zone. Stop trying to date her; she's not interested. If you can't hang out without wishing she changes her mind, don't spend time with her.
It might hurt a bit to disengage but you're wasting your emotions on someone who does not want you. Dis-entangle so you can be free for someone who does want you as a partner. If there's no one around, work on skills and interests so you'll be happy. And ready for better relationships.
Also, as a female: if she's been backed into saying this to you - you are annoying her. She told you she doesn't want to date you. You didn't accept it. She's trying this reframe. It's not a "zone". It's a new statement because you won't LISTEN. And if you feel she's dangling you on a string - bro, that's still on you for not listening.
Excited moaning Oryx 4 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Annoying Zone. Stop trying to date her; she's not interested. If you can't hang out without wishing she changes her mind, don't spend time with her.
It might hurt a bit to disengage but you're wasting your emotions on someone who does not want you. Dis-entangle so you can be free for someone who does want you as a partner. If there's no one around, work on skills and interests so you'll be happy. And ready for better relationships.
Also, as a female: if she's been backed into saying this to you - you are annoying her. She told you she doesn't want to date you. You didn't accept it. She's trying this reframe. It's not a "zone". It's a new statement because you won't LISTEN. And if you feel she's dangling you on a string - bro, that's still on you for not listening.
Here Are 17 Of The Best Covid-19 Tattoos 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Where are the other sixteen?
This missing cat poster in my neighborhood 2 comments
debbidownr · 4 years ago
Barbarella is a great name!