


— DiyRogue Report User
Realistic answer 7 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I agree with the message but fuck PETA, they'd rather kill animals than have them be saved by people ( meaning zoos or shelter pets, not animals like this )
EA games 3 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
But didn't they just can a lot of people and move the rest to sims mobile?
The struggle and sacrifice is real 10 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
That's not harmful to the community. Diabetic people are banned to because if you're deployed they can't always get you the medicine you need, so insulin, hormones, anti-depressants, etc. Needing medicine can get you disqualified for your own health, not for being transphobic.
I hope they managed to esnape 7 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I don't remember verbatim but I didn't lose any points but he implied that he would hurt me because I would be spending a lot more time in the hospital wing and that Dumbledore ordered him to stop flaying kids
No respect for cheaters 34 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
He has a coworker just like that as well, and when she ends one affair she'll get another right away to fill in the gap and then complain about the men she's cheating with
The struggle and sacrifice is real 10 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Go back under the bridge, troll
Girls complimenting an outfit 4 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I thought it was
It's almost like the plot is what matters 16 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
If the chemistry is good I ship it, sometimes even if it's a dynamic I want to see I'll ship it too
No respect for cheaters 34 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
My bf got told he needs to get a side chick by people who can't keep it in their pants for more than a day
I hope they managed to esnape 7 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Nope ! He just sassed me back
It's almost like the plot is what matters 16 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Or they'll think they can get away with making shitty stuff because people will watch it for the sole purpose of having gay and you'll be stuck in a loop.
I hope they managed to esnape 7 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I said yes after much debate
This is still a thing 13 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Graffiti can be painted over, it makes no sense someone convicted of that should get more time than a rapist at all
Though I do agree that if you don't want to go to jail, don't break the law unless it's self defense or your life is at risk
Deep thoughts 11 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I'm short af and still feel cramped in plane seats too, can't imagine what a tall or giant person would feel like
It's almost like the plot is what matters 16 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I had a friend who would do this. We'd go to watch a movie together and he'd pick out 3-5 similar gay boys falling in love movies and get mad when I didn't want to watch them when they're all the same.
What happens when you put two vicious pit bulls in a photo booth 43 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Guest, that's not how it works. You don't ban breeding between pits, you selectively breed them with pits that don't have the traits so you can breed them out or ones that have a lesser version of the trait. Selective breeding is completely different than a ban on breeding.
What happens when you put two vicious pit bulls in a photo booth 43 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Or, how about instead of not allowing a breed to be in existence because of your bias, you breed out the problems instead? Like how people are breeding out the small snouts in certain breeds to get rid of health issues.
Pitbulls were family dogs with hardly more issue than any other dogs for a long ass time.
Genius thinking 6 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
People don't smoke cigars like they do cigarettes ?
Just add vinegar 6 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Why not just take a small amount aside to test ? That way if they're real they're not ruined ?
Dumbest thing to get punished for 10 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I would get yelled at for doodling after my assignment was done or talking during group assignments ( not talking too loudly, just talking. It was a specific teacher who picked on me but still )
I also go in trouble for not knowing cursive, so for every assignment I did in print the teacher would take an extra 10 points off, even if I would have otherwise had 100 .
You're a disgrace 2 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
I got ads for a website that you pay $12 a month to to send your search history to a friend or priest so they can make sure you don't look at porn
Stop. The life you save may be your own 6 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
When behind the wheel you're not the only one you're supposed to think of. By thinking anyone who's doing dumb shit is the only one responsible, you're being a negligent driver and can cause unnecessary pain and death because you don't want to slow down for a couple of seconds.
What happens when you put two vicious pit bulls in a photo booth 43 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Guest, if you think people are in denial then show us the proof besides people's videos
Your choice 17 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Heathers had a baby with the princess bride
Lemongrab is f*cking terrifying. Had this been on TV when I was a kid, I would not be okay 15 comments
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Yeah that whole lemongrab shit is just unsettling