


— DiyRogue Report User
....Someone make this a copypasta 13 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
This HAS to be a joke
Especially the ads during the video 7 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
For the most part it depends on how intrusive the ad is. If you're gonna force me to watch your 2 minute ad or make me think there's a skip button then syke, or things like that it'll make me intentionally avoid your product at all cost.
Is the West even real? 11 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
There's work pants available for women and there's more jacket options than a light cardigan. Pretty sure most people won't throw a fit if you wear a heavier jacket when it's cold.
Kinda curious 45 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
Don't you get some vegans not wanting to use insulin because its not vegan friendly or something?
Face the truth 13 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
It might be an insert show here thing? Or mocking people who act like they own the show because they're a fan of it
Knock knock, here's the chicken 5 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I told this joke to a guy in a group of my friends friends and he got pissy, left the group chat, and tattled on me to mutual friend
Millions of ants form a living bridge to attack the enemy 8 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
Burn the whole house down. The only option.
Truth time 6 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
It's like a connotation or something. The first is like you're trying to talk about your sex life while the second is informing them of a big, happy life decision
Long distance relationship 4 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
Some goosebumps bullshit
The Brazilian vaccination mascot looks like kkk 6 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
It's like a ghost clown
Plastic surgery barbie 3 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I didn't play with my dolls that rough. The only time they would break is if a sibling got a hold of it.
Where you gonna be at 10? 4 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
What kinda look? If you're going to work out before hanging out with me you better shower. And if you can shower you can change into a regular, clean outfit.
Edible water bottles 14 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I mean it's cool but why not just use reusable water bottles?
Fun with disabilities 9 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
No. They're called disabled because they have the space and bars for people who have disabilities to be able to use the restroom versus the other stalls. Just because able bodied people also use them doesn't mean their intent is no longer for disabled people.
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
" prices are just numbers " do you not know how an economy works ? Prices aren't always the way they are because people are greedy. Farmers need to make money for the labor of growing food.
And I've read that we don't have enough room to grow all the plants needed for every human to survive on only plants. If we don't have the room for it it's not sustainable which means we need animals for survival.
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I never claimed where meat came from was cruelty free. Of course there are shady and inhumane practices but there are also ethical ones.
And you're saying you " don't want to force people to stop eating meat " but you're really trying to guilt people with an emotionally charged argument that's sums up to " don't kill innocent animals for fun " when it's been said it's for eating. And of course no one wants to think of where it's coming from. I don't want to think of animals being killed but it keeps me alive. I bet you don't want to think of all the underpaid and overworked farmers getting your food though.
Also, meat tends to be far cheaper. If my family decided to go vegan our grocery bill would skyrocket so if we couldn't afford it we would go hungry because we can't afford vegan for everyone every day.
Poor life choice 15 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I like buying giant ass shit cause I like baggy clothes
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
" humans killing without really have the need for it "
But there is a need. A need to eat meat. I've read that there's not enough room to grow plants if the entire world decided to go vegan. It's not sustainable.
And like I said, not everyone can safely give up meat from their diet or eat the meat alternatives offered. Peoples health isn't something to play with because you feel morally superior for not killing animals to live.
Advertising done right, Stop one, stop them all 108 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
We eat meat just like all the other omnivores on earth, just because some humans can choose to live on a plant based diet doesn't mean everyone else is uncivilized for not choosing it.
Plus, not everyone can survive healthily on a plant based diet and most who don't eat meat or animal based products tend to need to take extra supplements for what they're refusing to get through eating which can get expensive or even difficult depending on other medications needed by the individual.
Every single thing on here :) 7 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I still have my old poptropica account from elementary school
Who would do this 4 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
OP what's your address? I just want to talk
Go on, but stop 17 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I have specific different stops and no's for if I'm being playful or serious. Bf knows the difference.
Fun with disabilities 9 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
Plus sometimes it's an emergency and it's the only one open and some bathrooms I've been to keep the baby changing station in the disabled stall so a mom with a baby would have to use that one
Real shit 13 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
I've never heard of that. Where do you live?
Clay hair 3 comments
diyrogue · 5 years ago
That's just the term for when something in a medium begins to look more realistic. Like how video game characters are starting to look more like your friends instead of a cartoon.