Vandalism 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Let's not forget this very wise remark 32 comments
· 7 years ago
I can't get over the *white girl voice* the mental image I get is just the icing on the fuckery cake.
Let's not forget this very wise remark 32 comments
· 7 years ago
I was afraid that was it xDDDDD
You got me, you motherfucker, you~
Edited 7 years ago
You got me, you motherfucker, you~
Let's not forget this very wise remark 32 comments
Let's not forget this very wise remark 32 comments
Let's not forget this very wise remark 32 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm alright with religious people tbh, I just don't like those who don't think clearly, and try to force their beliefs on me or their beliefs start affecting my life.
Really though, that could be said of all people.
I actually know some pretty intelligent people who happen to be religious and they can respect the fact that I'm not religious like I can respect the fact that they are.
I might poke fun at religion sometimes, but I'm just a dick like that sometimes and it's always in good fun and never hateful.
Really though, that could be said of all people.
I actually know some pretty intelligent people who happen to be religious and they can respect the fact that I'm not religious like I can respect the fact that they are.
I might poke fun at religion sometimes, but I'm just a dick like that sometimes and it's always in good fun and never hateful.
Here's How It Really Is 10 comments
You should Always have the choice 61 comments
Rest stop 6 comments
Discovering a new fetish is always fun tbh 27 comments
Hunting for gluten free food 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I quit going to a doctor a few years ago for whatever reason, plus I used to actually pretty against medication 'cos I was sure they would fuck up the way my brain naturally functions.
Now I know that they can be helpful in moderation, and kind of wish I had a prescription for harder times, but at the same time, over the years I tried to study adhd and developed coping mechanisms to deal with distractions, the anxieties that come along with it and etc.
I also bought a few fidget spinners and a fidget cube, I highly recommended getting some.
I hope you have a good day! :D
Now I know that they can be helpful in moderation, and kind of wish I had a prescription for harder times, but at the same time, over the years I tried to study adhd and developed coping mechanisms to deal with distractions, the anxieties that come along with it and etc.
I also bought a few fidget spinners and a fidget cube, I highly recommended getting some.
I hope you have a good day! :D
Hunting for gluten free food 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Damn, that's good to hear. tbh, I haven't had that happen to me personally beside the world seeming a bit "bland" while taking meds, then again, I haven't taken meds in years, but I see how it could happen.
Edited 7 years ago
Hunting for gluten free food 7 comments
· 7 years ago
W A R N I N G:
Small rant ahead:
Sometimes I wish we would go back to when we needed hunters.
Now we just farm everything and have an abundance of office jobs, we even keeps animals in pens and breed them instead of hunting them, which is fine if you're "farmer minded", but if you're "hunter minded" like me, this lifestyle is far from ideal.
Most people seem to have a farmer's brain nowadays, so the people with a hunter's brain get diagnosed with "ADHD", sometimes get treated as " bad people" and get prescribed drugs that, are supposed to help with "focusing", but also drain our creativity.
To me it's not a disorder, just a different way of processing our environment.
Sorry, for the sudden rant. I know it came out of nowhere, but someone's gotta do it, and it's real to me and society pisses me the fuck off sometimes.
I would say more and proofread, but I'm busy rn.
Shoutout to my fellow hunters!
Edited 7 years ago
Small rant ahead:
Sometimes I wish we would go back to when we needed hunters.
Now we just farm everything and have an abundance of office jobs, we even keeps animals in pens and breed them instead of hunting them, which is fine if you're "farmer minded", but if you're "hunter minded" like me, this lifestyle is far from ideal.
Most people seem to have a farmer's brain nowadays, so the people with a hunter's brain get diagnosed with "ADHD", sometimes get treated as " bad people" and get prescribed drugs that, are supposed to help with "focusing", but also drain our creativity.
To me it's not a disorder, just a different way of processing our environment.
Sorry, for the sudden rant. I know it came out of nowhere, but someone's gotta do it, and it's real to me and society pisses me the fuck off sometimes.
I would say more and proofread, but I'm busy rn.
Shoutout to my fellow hunters!
The cool side 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't see how you could NOT sleep on the cool side, unless it's already freezing.
More people should sleep nekked too.
More people should sleep nekked too.
You can't have everything 17 comments
· 7 years ago
But now I have:
e v e r y t h i n g. (tm)
A scent for everyone.
A new cologne/perfume
By: d j__n a__t e x
Edited 7 years ago
But now I have:
e v e r y t h i n g. (tm)
A scent for everyone.
A new cologne/perfume
By: d j__n a__t e x
And now I want a penguin 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Thank you, you seem very decent and smart person yourself. I'ma get high and just forget about the bullshit. Have a good one 8)
And now I want a penguin 21 comments
· 7 years ago
lol sorry about the Illuminati comment I don't really remember putting much thought into it tbh.
I can't even blame you for trying to get them likes, plus I'm sure I was being a bit cunty myself, and I'm sorry for that, but I guess I'm somewhat easily t r i g g e r e d, and I just post shit out of emotion (which is know is super dangerous, but I tend to say "fuck it" too much xD ) yet I don't really stress about it. (Impulsive AF) I try to balance it out by posting the occasional thoughtful comment.
Sorry if I made you think about stuff you'd rather not think about or stressed you out. I know I can be a cunt like that sometimes lol.
Edited 7 years ago
I can't even blame you for trying to get them likes, plus I'm sure I was being a bit cunty myself, and I'm sorry for that, but I guess I'm somewhat easily t r i g g e r e d, and I just post shit out of emotion (which is know is super dangerous, but I tend to say "fuck it" too much xD ) yet I don't really stress about it. (Impulsive AF) I try to balance it out by posting the occasional thoughtful comment.
Sorry if I made you think about stuff you'd rather not think about or stressed you out. I know I can be a cunt like that sometimes lol.
And now I want a penguin 21 comments
· 7 years ago
I admit I'm not perfect myself, but for fucks sake, I feel I at least try to get along somewhat with people on this site. I have nothing against you personally, I guess I just expected more hospitality from a member with a star.
Beautiful writing 6 comments
And now I want a penguin 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Aaand, so there is. I must have forgot.
Sorry, but also at the same time, fuck your sarcasm.
No need be rude.
Sorry, but also at the same time, fuck your sarcasm.
No need be rude.
And now I want a penguin 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Why does everything have to be useful?
W h y__c a n ' t__i t__j u s t__b e ?
W h y__c a n ' t__i t__j u s t__b e ?