A little social experiment. Vote in the comments 67 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes but only if I could kill them quickly
Get the wedges 14 comments
· 8 years ago
All I have to say is that most men I know, don't know that wedges are shoes
USB gods 5 comments
Huge Worm inside Praying Mantis - This is what happen when you put Praying mantis in Water 8 comments
End drunk driving! 21 comments
· 8 years ago
What would the bar do when it was closing time? Kick all the drunk people out on the street
Swiggity Swooty, I'm Sleeping On That Booty 5 comments
When you hit discard instead of equip 5 comments
I don't know why'd she fail me? 8 comments
I'm Ugly And I Don't Know Why 3 comments
Wise advice! 9 comments