Me on TF2 and CSGO 13 comments
· 7 years ago
What's TF2?
Can't believe I could be jealous of a baby 3 comments
Faith in humanity restored 4 comments
nice one 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I'll date her. She can make a song of our break up. Years down the road. I'll tell my kids she made a song just for me
10 years later the story is very different 10 comments
· 8 years ago
55inch tv. It's cheap. Who the hell needs help to install 55 inch tv and washer. If you can't do it yourself. You're worthless. That shit is like abc123
10 years later the story is very different 10 comments
Dutch soldiers camouflaged a WWII ship for 8 days as an island to escape from the Japs 12 comments
· 8 years ago
You're all fucking stupid. War is war. Racist have nothing to do with this. If you're any race and any race trying to kill you. You'll hide in a pile of shit to get away from death. So stfu about racist. It's because you dumb ass racist is why we have racist. Everyone human does the same shit to survive. In this photo it just shows they're trying not get to slaughter. You dumb shits.
Me on TF2 and CSGO 13 comments
Philipino? 15 comments
It could be a myth 6 comments
That's kinda cute. 16 comments
Well there goes my heart 16 comments
Thug life 27 comments
· 8 years ago
@Mysticpotatoes maybe trump should build a damn wall around a dumb ass like you.
but it is beautiful dress 13 comments
Tom trying so hard not to break character 21 comments
Happens on every flight 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Just because you're partying doesn't mean you need to party for 2hrs straight.