*When FunSubstance asked me what my handle was, I said :
— DontAskMeIDontKnow Report User
We need this! (Video: short version) 4 comments
· 8 years ago
They're talking about when you eat out, and they give you plastic spoons.
Mr. Deng son, that's rockin' handwriting 7 comments
Those gym class days 9 comments
· 8 years ago
I forgot to mention that the school was old and not properly maintained.
Those gym class days 9 comments
· 8 years ago
My school had a lot of empty classrooms. One being the Home Economics classroom. However, there wasn't enough money to have a teacher and equipment, so they just locked up that classroom. There are a lot of classes that are unavailable, so a lot of empty classrooms.
Those gym class days 9 comments
Those gym class days 9 comments
· 8 years ago
We didn't have those.
But we had the parachute and the giant ball. With the giant ball we would lay down, in 2 rows with our feet facing each other. They would them roll the ball between the rows, and we would kick it, trying to get it past the opposing team.
But we had the parachute and the giant ball. With the giant ball we would lay down, in 2 rows with our feet facing each other. They would them roll the ball between the rows, and we would kick it, trying to get it past the opposing team.
For all those redheads out there 2 comments
· 8 years ago
My mom wanted her kids to be redheads, but she got blondes instead.
Every time I use Febreze 3 comments
Well that would just be awful 8 comments
The size of Pluto compared to Australia 10 comments
That one weird friend 6 comments
Robert Downey Pinup 13 comments
This needs to be on an unpopular puffin meme. 57 comments
· 8 years ago
I had a creep throw a bucket of water on me, because I turned him down. The police said it wasn't assault, but harassment. WTF?
Hate cats 3 comments
Nope... No one ever will 11 comments
How Do Vending Machines Tell the Difference Between Fake Coins and Real Coins? 4 comments
· 8 years ago
It was a newer machine. The glass was too close to the drinks so they would get stuck.
12 years, and still best friends 16 comments
It should say: Only an asshole would write this sign.