They don't think it be like it is but it do 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Equalism (I take it this is what you're referring to) is technically both. There are two kinds of equality, equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. Liberal equalists (not necessarily liberals) believe in equality of opportunity, which in the extreme means everyone have exactly the same opportunity, no matter where they come from. Social equalists (not necessarily socialists) believe in equality of outcome, which in the exreme means everyone have exactly the same occupation (not necessarily job) and have exactly the same weekly earnings, no matter what they do to get there. The equalist movement generally consists of liberal equalists.
Impossible to win 4 comments
· 10 years ago
That's possibly because when you're not quiet you're too loud. There's absolutely no need to be over-the-top. When they tell you to the they're just teling you to calm down.
Europe's United States 35 comments
· 10 years ago
Most Europeans know Texas, New York, Florida, and California. Florida is more or less just the little tip anyway, so we're pretty close there, and California makes up most of the West Coast, so that's pretty easy to place too. Texas is just the middle to south of the US, and New York City is somewhere on the northern half of the East Coast. The northern parts of the US, those not covered by New York, Texas, and California, are mostly areas of uncharted wilderness, with a few cities scattered about.
This is what it seems like after discussing this with my friends, but of course a lot of Europeans will be able to place every single state, probably even on this unbordered map.
This is what it seems like after discussing this with my friends, but of course a lot of Europeans will be able to place every single state, probably even on this unbordered map.
"You're so quiet" "Plants are green" 17 comments
· 10 years ago
The reason I think they were born extroverts but learned to be introverts is that humans are pack animals. We seek together in communities. If not, how could giant mega-cities like New York, London, and Tokyo exist? Introversion can be crippling in such a social environment, and thus would not be favourable in evolution. The genes that cause introversion would have been eliminated very early in the evolutionary process.
I'm explosively exstroverted myself, but while I've never been directly bullied I was excluded from nearly everything till just half a year ago. This taught me to lock myself in my room, and in those rare instances where I was actually outside I never drew more attention to myself than absolutely required. Now that I have more friends than I know what to do with, and even more keep pouring in, I am happier than ever. As everyone else I know that have many friends are also extroverted, I think that most introverts can learn to be extroverts, or "fixed".
I'm explosively exstroverted myself, but while I've never been directly bullied I was excluded from nearly everything till just half a year ago. This taught me to lock myself in my room, and in those rare instances where I was actually outside I never drew more attention to myself than absolutely required. Now that I have more friends than I know what to do with, and even more keep pouring in, I am happier than ever. As everyone else I know that have many friends are also extroverted, I think that most introverts can learn to be extroverts, or "fixed".
"You're so quiet" "Plants are green" 17 comments
· 10 years ago
From my experiences with both introverted and extroverted friends I've noticed that most, if not all introverts were born extroverts, but have throughout their lives learned to be introverts. I say most, because although all of my introverted friends share the same general background, none of them are mentally retarded, and I know there are many mentally retarded people out there.
Now, as I said they all share the same general background. None of them have had many friends growing up, and all of them were bullied in some way or the other. As a result all of them have a very low self-esteem, only a few friends, and trouble opening up to people. The bullying has also taught them to stay quiet and not draw attention to themselves.
Now, as I said they all share the same general background. None of them have had many friends growing up, and all of them were bullied in some way or the other. As a result all of them have a very low self-esteem, only a few friends, and trouble opening up to people. The bullying has also taught them to stay quiet and not draw attention to themselves.
The Position of a Particle in an ocean wave 5 comments
· 10 years ago
This is far from a good visualisation of an ocean wave. Very few waves are as linear as this. Besides, if everything in a wave moved in a circle (except for the energy, of course, which in this case moves towards the right side of the gif), how can stuff wash up on shore? Wouldn't they just stay in place?
As A Christian.... I Can Agree That Some Of Us Act Like This 48 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not exactly saying you're wrong, but I've seen a whole lot of flamewars between Christians and Atheists and very few of the Atheists in those flamewars were like this. It's usually the Christians. Just saying.
There is a face that we show the world, and then the is the truth. 12 comments
· 10 years ago
This doesn't apply to everyone. I don't feel anxious or depressed. Thus it is not THE truth but A truth. A truth that applies to some, but not all.
Take me down to the vatican city 27 comments
· 10 years ago
There's no doubt that the Church has been involved in numerous wars over the centuries, most notably the Crusades.
how to expand an equation 9 comments
· 10 years ago
unfortunately it's not that simple. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2, and not a^2+b^2. (a+b)^3=a^3+3a^2b+3ab^2+b^3, and not a^3+b^3. It only gets more and more complicated, but Pascal's triangle gives you the coefficients (the number BEFORE the letters (the number 2 in 2ab, for instance)). If you don't know what that is, Google "Pascal's Triangle".
The exponents are easy to find when n is a number, but I don't know how to expand it when it's just n. When it's a number all you do is to gradually move the exponents over from one part to the other (from a to b in (a+b)^n), one by one. For instance, (a+b)^5 has 6 parts when expanded. The first is a^5. Pretty easy. The second is a^4b, or a^(5-1)b^1. Third is a^3b^2, or a^(5-2)b^2. You get the point. Add in the coefficients from Pascal's triangle and you get (a+b)^5=a^5+5a^4b+10a^3b^2+10a^2b^3+5ab^4+b^5. You certainly don't get a^5+b^5.
The exponents are easy to find when n is a number, but I don't know how to expand it when it's just n. When it's a number all you do is to gradually move the exponents over from one part to the other (from a to b in (a+b)^n), one by one. For instance, (a+b)^5 has 6 parts when expanded. The first is a^5. Pretty easy. The second is a^4b, or a^(5-1)b^1. Third is a^3b^2, or a^(5-2)b^2. You get the point. Add in the coefficients from Pascal's triangle and you get (a+b)^5=a^5+5a^4b+10a^3b^2+10a^2b^3+5ab^4+b^5. You certainly don't get a^5+b^5.
Sorry doesn't work 3 comments
· 10 years ago
You only say "I'm sorry" to show that you regret what you did. The point isn't to make it so that whatever you did never happened, but to make whoever you say it to realize that you regret what you did.
So truth 10 comments
· 10 years ago
They're not that strong, though. Just slip the middle finger between the band and your wrist and force it off. Remember to clench your hand into a fist (this makes the wrist hard as stone). Just slip the middle finger inside, all the way to the knuckles, and use basic leverage to force it off. I'm not a superhuman, but I can get it off pretty easily.
Tie till 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Hell yeah! Great idea! But why stop there? Why don't we just legalize everything? Why don't we just have a full-blown world-wide anarchy? Remove all legal and political instances across the globe. Level all civilization. Leave our future entirely to natural selection. Great idea!
Just in case it wasn't clear, that was sarcastic. Anarchy doesn't work, simply because humans naturally seek together and form laws. It's human nature. Modern civilization would never have formed if anarchy was human nature.
Just in case it wasn't clear, that was sarcastic. Anarchy doesn't work, simply because humans naturally seek together and form laws. It's human nature. Modern civilization would never have formed if anarchy was human nature.
Truth 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Of course you shouldn't spend absolutely all your time with school and education, but some of your time should be spent preparing for the future. Never do too much of anything. Ever. This applies to everything I can think of at the moment. Food, education/work, spending money, you name it. Don't eat too much of anything, but not too little either, Don't focus all you've got on education/work, but don't throw it all away either. Don't spend all your money on whatever, but don't save it all either.
So true... Or is it? Or is it true? 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Purely biologically speaking, curvy women are the most sexy. That is, most men unconsciously feel more sexually attracted to curvy women than skinny or fat women. Just like female deer prefer the males with the biggest horns, male humans naturally prefer female humans with wider hips and thighs.
So true... Or is it? Or is it true? 30 comments
· 10 years ago
A big booty doesn't necessarily equal curves. A curvy woman has a waist that is clearly (though not unhealthily) narrower than her butt and chest, and most importantly curvy women have absolutely no thigh gap. Curvy women often have a bigger butt than most, but they're not usually considered curvy if they have what is considered a big booty (like in BBW porn).
Reactions to different illnesses 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know how it is in America, but where I live people really care when there's an actual mental health issue, but there's a fine line between a mental struggle and a mental health issue. A mental struggle is always less serious than a mental health issue, and many are just milder forms of mental health issues. Examples of mental health issues are ADHD and Down Syndrome, as well as eating disorders, depression, and social anxiety. The last ones are only considered mental health issues when they're serious, and can easily be cured. I suffered from severe depression and social anxiety a year ago, but it was the easiest thing in the world to get rid of it once I got more friends. You simply have to accept that your friends are your friends, and most of your social issues dissolve before you even realize that they're gone. I was unable to trust anyone at all a year ago, but now I trust everyone. It's merely a decision I've made, and it's made my life a hell of a lot better.
Twi sides to an argument 37 comments
· 10 years ago
Except most patients aren't cancer patients, and most hospitals are partially supported by the government.
Twi sides to an argument 37 comments
· 10 years ago
It depends on what you classify as life. I don't consider an embryo a child until it's at least 8-12 weeks old, because before that time every single embryo looks more or less the same. A human embryo of 4 weeks looks exactly like a pig embryo, or a fish embryo, or a salamander embryo, or a snake embryo. These 8-12 weeks are also the only time abortion is legal (where it's legal at all). If you don't abort the child before that time you are obliged to go through with the pregnancy.
But how else are they going to get us to pay to be qualified and unemployed? 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I never said that our body structure has much to do with it, but I see why it seemed like that (it does have a say in PE, though). My entire point is that the people who take the same test generally had the same education leading up to that test, which means they all have the same base. Not all people learn the same way, though, so some individualization could be made, but the picture above is very exaggerated.
But how else are they going to get us to pay to be qualified and unemployed? 14 comments
· 10 years ago
That I can agree on. The only reason I dropped half a grade from junior to senior high last year (from 4.9 to 4.4) is that the subjects got a whole lot more boring than they had already been previously.
But how else are they going to get us to pay to be qualified and unemployed? 14 comments
· 10 years ago
It is in fact very exaggerated. Not only because all humans are the same species and have the same general body structure, but also because most of the people who have the same test tend to have had the same education leading up to that test, which means they all have the same base. Some individualization could be made, but it's not bad as it is.
Math problem 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not well experienced in this type of maths, but as far as I know 8πx+x≠9πx (x=St.v), so step three would be the final step in simplyfying this expression (8πx≈25.12x, while 9πx≈28.26x. 28.26≠25.12, so 8πx≠9πx).
EDIT: For those of you thinking about arguing that I wrote 8πx+x the first time but then proved why only 8πx≠9πx, 8πx+x≈25.12+1=26.12≠28.26.
Edited 10 years ago
EDIT: For those of you thinking about arguing that I wrote 8πx+x the first time but then proved why only 8πx≠9πx, 8πx+x≈25.12+1=26.12≠28.26.
What Happens After You Die? 25 comments