How to easily offend girls 9 comments
· 10 years ago
It's called The Swan Princess:)
How to easily offend girls 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Funny, I hadn't seen this movie in ages and it was on tv last night.
There's really no such thing as 'thin privilege' 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I really don't understand what you're trying to get at here and why you felt the need to comment on a post that's a year old...
Edited 10 years ago
Artist transforms kids drawings into plush toys 12 comments
Big secrets 25 comments
· 10 years ago
Haha it's no biggie! I'm glad I'm surrounded by open minded family members and friends. The only thing that bugs me is when I have people tell me that being pansexual isn't a real thing. Some people just don't get that there's a difference between pansexuality and bisexuality.
Big secrets 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I've already shared mine but *gasp* I have another plot twist. Funny enough, it's another example from the post, the second one. But, I'm pansexual not gay, which is even "worse". So much harder to explain to people haha.
Big secrets 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm doing quite well, actually. Still struggling with some stuff but I've come a long way. Thank you for asking:)
Big secrets 25 comments
· 10 years ago
And now you're all in this for the long run. My plan worked.
Edited 10 years ago
Big secrets 25 comments
· 10 years ago
Third one is literally me. It's not like it's a huge secret that no one can know about, I'm not ashamed. But, it isn't something you just throw out there. "Hi, my name's Sam and I tried to kill myself last year! How are you?"
Good souls 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Obviously not, since you got 10 dislikes and had to explain yourself...
Good souls 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know why, but the one of the man in Rio giving his shoes to the homeless girl got me. Maybe because you can tell that the girl was really touched by this. I don't know, but it actually brought tears to my eyes.
One true love... 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Plus, Anna has Kristoff. I think it's funnier with Elsa anyway. I'm imagining Anna and Hans jamming out and then it cuts to Elsa and she's singing to the fridge.
Edited 10 years ago
No time for conversations 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought this was a thing they did at all Taco Bells?? They do it at all the ones around my town.
No time for conversations 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Wtf Mik you're getting jipped! They do it all the time here, they also like to throw the word "burritoful" in randomly. I actually had one guy say "And two chicken quesadillas for the burritoful lady." as he gave me my food.
When cashier ignores your hand and puts change on the counter 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a cashier and I hate it when I hold my hand out and the customer puts the money on the counter. The worst is when they throw it down on the counter, makes my blood boil.
No time for conversations 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I actually like answering and asking them how they are just to hear them say "Tacotastic!"
Well that was disturbing 11 comments
Baby amazed at balls 4 comments
· 10 years ago
My baby brother has a toy just like this and he always freaks out and just stares at it when the balls shoot up.