Dr Horrible


— Dr Horrible Report User
It's difficult being both 12 comments
dr_horrible · 6 years ago
*hug* *high five* or *head nod* you choose. I know it means little, but you belong here, both on funsub and in north America (either Mexico or us). Welcome *hands you drink of your choice*
Day about581 of your daily dose of cute: I have a confession... I don't have a title :( 5 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
Hooray you are posting again. I've been missing your bit of light you bring.
True feminism 7 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
This post is winning.
Girls can be cruel 5 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
I believe it's British slang for making out. But my guess is that in this case there is a variation. Perhaps up to but not quite penetrative sex. More likely passionate kissing and fondling. Though I also interpreted the message as the guy was trying to get with the girl, so maybe it's slang for attempting long term?
A wiggling boneless nooodle 23 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
Any kind souls around here who could point me in the direction of the webcomic this came from?
Hopefully both 3 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
Both... My gf is definitely both.
She'll be moving in on July 1st!! 10 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
She is precious! Congratulations!
Tolkien showdown 3 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
Love this.
Iron Predator Movie 5 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
I enjoyed that. Link to more?
A galaxy of raindrops 4 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
Thank you kindly.
A galaxy of raindrops 4 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
What type of flower is this?
First time I've ever been able to call spiders cute 4 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
Super cute and fuzzy
He's small, blonde and skinny, am I right? 16 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
I'm intrigued, would one of you delightful folks please illuminate me to what anime this is from.
Lord of the rings 4 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
I love this post Everytime it comes up. Always makes me smile. Cheers to a good repost.
*needs* 1 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
True love
Animals who want to be photographers 4 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
So adorable and cool. Thanks for posting this picture series.
Day 593 of your daily dose of cute: 3 more days! 3 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
She's cute and spoopy.
We all fall short of his glory 5 comments
dr_horrible · 7 years ago
What interview is this?
Even disasters can be good 6 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
Or got crushed by the depths and rapid rate at which they traveled there.
No chill 10 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
It's plausible. Unlikely, but plausible. Could also be a guy getting a message from his boy friend. And either way, just because the massager has an erection, that doesn't mean sex is inevitable. But my main point is that massages are wonderful and a great way to set the mood for sex (should both parties being consenting adults). So i was confused why the post made it sound bad?
No chill 10 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
Wait, is this a bad thing. Massages are great for setting the mood and giving attention. Im of course assuming they asked first.
Look at this dot 11 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
You are most welcome.
Standards amiright 2 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
I wish to know too. Please kind fun substance users/guests. Can you enlighten us?
Especially in X & Y 4 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
High school basically. So glad that's been over for a decade.
I'm confused now 7 comments
dr_horrible · 8 years ago
Each year since has gotten better and better.