Dr Horrible


— Dr Horrible Report User
Dogs 1 comments
dr_horrible · 22 hours ago
Starting with the most expensive or hardest to repair pieces.
· Edited 22 hours ago
A good father 5 comments
dr_horrible · 2 days ago
They were right 5 comments
dr_horrible · 2 weeks ago
Well said @mrscollector
Back in my day 8 comments
dr_horrible · 5 weeks ago
@flockpack I believe it's from Primevil. A BBC show from late 2000s and early teens. It was good but never amazing.
Infamous deadpan thankful Parrot 3 comments
dr_horrible · 6 weeks ago
Fun fact from the future. Never heard about this again in the last 4 years.
How perfectly shaped Palmanova is. (Town in Italy) 3 comments
dr_horrible · 7 weeks ago
I've got to try this site in infection free zone
I want to see how many will not get it 7 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
They know the rules.
I want to see how many will not get it 7 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
They know the rules.
Hobbit-esque houses 11 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
What company? El capitan, be a great soul and help us out please
I feel like it needs to be placed bluntly 27 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
^^^^ fully agreed. The ones who resist their impulse and get help should not be attacked.
I feel like it needs to be placed bluntly 27 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
No. Fuck you. Pedophiles that actually act on the their desires are bad people. There are plenty that don't, seek help/therapy, and are good people who don't harm kids/teens. This needs to be said more.
Police shield 5 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
Dumb question. Cosplay or real?
· Edited 3 years ago
It do be like that 7 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
@smitty thanks for sharing
Hmmmmmmmm 2 comments
dr_horrible · 3 years ago
What is this from?
Intergalactic man holes 8 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
@aphelion you glorious glorious bastard. One of the best lines in a video game and it's a side chat
I’d stare at this lamp all night 3 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
Anybody know what that lamp type is called?
Married life 5 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
Okay, I'll ask. @funkmaterrex are you voting in favor because she knows. Or because she doesn't?
2$ well spent 8 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
Cursed_taste 13 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
I applaud @under_fire for their optimism.
I applaud @purplepumpkin for their realism
Cursed_taste 13 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
Professor Farnsworth: Good news everybody
Cheers *Irish accent* 3 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
Cheers right back to you
Thicc boi 24 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
I love you all.
Obey your teachers 5 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
@abel_hazard what is it about?
Sheet they went to far 6 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
Some women love it, some don't.
Ok millennial 3 comments
dr_horrible · 4 years ago
To be fair, we barely saw 2020