I went as a zombie, comment what you went as! 53 comments
· 10 years ago
taylor swift
hmm.. 14 comments
· 10 years ago
is it sad that i can name every single death in the HP books by looking at the tags...? i am upset
Always a great way to start the weekend 6 comments
· 10 years ago
that one in the front looks like a smiling happy joyful ball of goodness but then no BYE
Stay away from my mommy!!! 11 comments
Hot Stalin 16 comments
Yin-Yang of world hunger 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my god, it's just a graphic representation thing, you people. Think of it this way, if the fat guy was black and the starving white, people would still be offended even though it doesn't matter in any way whatsoever. It's called yin and yang, black and white, people are starving and others are sitting on funsubstance like myself arguing about this picture.
Turtle tries to eat tomato 8 comments
Something very interesting I found in my backyard 10 comments
· 11 years ago
last summer i found a praying mantis sitting in a puddle and kept it as a pet, feeing it crickets from the petstore. It was a female, and it was as big as your index finger! Eventually, it laid a sack of eggs like this and then died...my little brother and i were pretty upset, but that spring we put the egg sack thingy in our garden and they all hatched. soooooo you could say i started a praying mantis family!