

I <3 my falcon

— evarno Report User
Im interested in the first deal 3 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
yeah, free for all new customers
a piece of wisdom 8 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Human-shaped cloud emerging from ash of chilean volcano 34 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
the bullets will have to come down eventually, and collateral damage is something militaries should try and avoid
6 · Edited 9 years ago
Human-shaped cloud emerging from ash of chilean volcano 34 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
you mean kronos?
Just gonna put this here 9 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
And we all know race car :P
a tower of hammocks 16 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Ok, the lightest people go on top... i hope
Anyone else with me? 25 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Having grown up in a drought, some of my fondest childhood memories are of the rain
The bet 12 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
at 17 i am completely disgusted by all of those things
it probs wont last long but meh :P
Sing it to row row row yer boat 28 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
I didn't create this
Im not weird enough to create it
just weird enough to search it
At least 35 years old 10 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
im going to that :D
It takes downright evilness to crack a human being 39 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
uh... they do?
as far as im aware
Canadian news 7 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
this is an australian news channel, and it's typical of them to give us this bs
Japanese I love you 13 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
a fine example of how shit google translate is
Airbus a390 21 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
its fake
3 largest planes ever made:
Antonov 225
Airbus A380
H-4 Herculues
WaW was best CoD 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
i still love mw2
apart from the hackers
Hahahahhaaa..Sob 5 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
cause looks arent the most important thing
'Stralia 6 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
im 17 and have to vote next year
i can i assure you i will vote based on who is the least biggest cunt
Please 15 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
also its pronounced sine...
Lol this is like me 17 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
Might sound a little hypocritical cause ive only had the balls to ask a girl out once but,
ask them in person?
7 · Edited 9 years ago
What I Think About Mac vs PC 12 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
about 30 000 feet higher than apple
Pc masterrace 15 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
macs are better for busting your wallet, thats about it
Damn phone *rolls eyes* 8 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
exactly the same with me, but let phone =computer
Life advices 1 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
i like 4
Band T-Shirts Too 19 comments
evarno · 9 years ago
works perfectly with school uniform