Then you take off her pants and ask the same question 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Ofcourse we are insecure about having small boobs, we are told that they're not good enough and generally not liked all the damn time. So much even that guys (or gals) who say they "actually" like small boobs are hailed heros or great guys just for having that preference..
Female height chart 27 comments
· 7 years ago
Reading all the princess and the queen comments being 5'10 is weirding me out, I don't even know anyone that small that isn't a 12 y/o... (no hate just flabbergasted)
Genuine first world problem 2 comments
Thinking ahead is always good 2 comments
Hope she's not a Latina 6 comments
Isn't that how 9/11 happened? 4 comments
Peta in a nutshell 31 comments
· 7 years ago
This went from ridiculing a weird far fetched article to name calling for no reason..? Calm yes man boobs kiddos.
Peta in a nutshell 31 comments
· 7 years ago
They make statements about animal abuse and poorly treating mother-cows and such but what does that have to do anything with sexism...?
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
· 7 years ago
We sell wine that complements the cheeses we have and we work together with two local vintners!
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
· 7 years ago
Nah most people only get half a kilo... it's really enough for a week haha
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
· 7 years ago
There are sooooo many sorts of cheeses, there has to be one you at least find okay!
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
· 7 years ago
Depends on whether you like cheese, I dont smell it anymore but some people need to stay outside cuz they hate cheese haha
Did I show y'all where I work? 64 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually, I'm intolerant for cow milk and not lactose so I can't have cow cheese no matter the age.... But I tasted all those cheese before I found out and I can have goat cheese!! And no I could never ever hate cheese, I will fart until the apocalypse if it means I can eat some cow cheese that day...
Boyfriend logs into cheating ex's Facebook and drops the hammer 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Some people use people for things they want <---- there's ya truth buddy.
this is how you date In the real world 11 comments